Hi John,
             You'll be amused to know that here in New Zealand our Nanny
State government once contemplated a "fart tax" on stock farmers, based on
the number of animals they owned. It was eventually laughed out of court.
As for messing with the natural order of things, the first Europeans
settlers here found a land devoid of all dangerous animals and reptiles, in
fact no snakes or mammals at all. They also found an incredible range of
native forest and rare plant species, and a wealth of tree-dwelling and
ground-dwelling birds. Bird song, they reported, was almost symphonic. It
rang throughout the hills and forests.
In the last 150 years we imported a whole range of pests such as sparrows,
mynahs, rabbits, rats, cats, stoats, weasels, possums and deer. The deer and
possums are chewing up our natural forests at a frightening rate while the
other nasties have all but wiped out the native birds. We now spend huge
sums annually just keeping the deer and possum numbers down, while holding a
few endangered birds on offshore islands. There is no hope of eradicating
the pests so they remain a burden on the taxpayer forever.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kyoto- termites CH4-and messing with the natural
orderof things

> I was just in Hawaii where they have a huge problem with mongoose, they
> were brought there in the hopes that they would control the rat
> population that came as stowaways on ships, instead they eat bird eggs.
> oops.
> will we ever learn?
> John
> http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/biofuel/

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