Fortunately,   I'm a member of the British Red Cross so if anything does go
wrong I will pretty much know what to do although I do not, as a rule,
handle major incidence.

Even more fortunately one of our local Red Cross big wigs is a chemistry
teacher so I'm lucky in being able to consult her, generally, about soap
making, at least, she's not so clued up on biofuel.

This in mind I will definately be attempting the foolproof method.   I've
also applied for a license to handle denatured ethanol in the hope that I
can 'dry' this enough.   I understand that I will require potassium
hydroxide for this reaction.    Will I be able to utilise the foolproof
method with ethenol?

----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Addison>
> Start again. Start here:
> "Where do I start?"
> http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html#start
> Read the whole thing.
> Try to eschew such items as bursting thermometers, dissolving picnic
> spoons and breathing hot fumes. Mix the methoxide properly as
> recommended below and use a blender for the biodiesel reaction.
> Best wishes
> Keith

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