I'd like to know how well the demographics for voting vs non-voting public 
match. Were the republican voters more committed? Were the ABB'ers too 
...anyone with some info on that?
Mike R

Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Knowing that more than 100 million potential voters didn't bother to go to
the polls, that percentage drops to approximately 24.5%. Bush was
re-"elected" by less than a fourth of the country.

I suspect that many of that minority were influenced by the two-word memes
such as "compassionate conservative" and "war on terror." Now we hear about
a "culture of life" in Florida while babies in Texas have their breathing
tubes ripped from their bodies against their mother's wishes because the
hospital can't extract enough money from them. [the Futile Care Law signed
by Governor George W. Bush] I fear that much of America is hypnotized by the
media and their bumper-sticker tabloidisms. Many others are "married" to
the Republican Party and wouldn't vote for Jesus if he was the Democratic

We also witness evergy policy from the Bush White House crafted in secret by
the energy companies and the criminals who bilked Grandma Millie in
California out of billions of dollars.

The only way to really change the direction of the country's energy policy,
or any other policy I suppose, is to do it ourselves and not count on any
help from the Oil Oligarchs in Washington, D.C.

The tipping point, or critical mass, is relatively small. Slightly less
than 10%. Studies show in a bactrial culture that when the "good bacteria"
reach the 9.99% or close to that number, I forget... trying to write this
from memory and don't remember exactly where I read the data, anyway, when
the "good" bacteria in the cullture reaches the ten percent level, the
entire culture turns "good." Not so with the bad bacteria in the culture,
it can reach numbers approaching 50% and still when the "good" bacteria
reach the magic number near 10%, the whole culture turns good.

I hope to join the ranks of homebrewers sometime this fall after I make the
move from the city here in S. Florida to the "woods" of North Florida and
begin building my off-grid home. Thanks for all the input as I mostly lurk
in the background for now soaking in as much information about what works
for you'all and what doesn't. I'll try and keep politics to a minimum on
these lists but it can't be totally ignored when it overwhelms almost every
aspect of our increasingly government-controlled lives.

PEACE and veggies
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Irwin" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:13 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil


Please understand and tell your friends that 48% of America voted against
George Bush and his policies. Thatīs a lot of good people. I think that many
who voted for Bush did so based on fear or his stand to overturn existing
abortion laws. Many of the 48% feel heīs leading the country and the economy
into ruins. I am awaiting the burning of books, particularly dictionaries
and anticipate the Department of Defense being renamed the Ministry of
Peace. Orwell and Huxley should be read again by everyone. The control of
mass media in the U.S. by large corporations is the most onerous attack on
free speech every propagated in history. Most folks are unaware of their
great loss. Hang tough, there is no way this path for my country is
sustainable let alone constitutional.

Tom Irwin

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