What sealed Saddam's fate was him converting to the Euro as Iraq's Oil
Reserve Currency in November 2000.  UN weapons inspectors were inside Iraq
and about to certify Iraq as WMD-Free.  Since 97% of all his WMD's were
destroyed in the first weapons inspections before the inspectors were
ordered out of Iraq by the Clinton Administration the day before the US and
Britain started bombing, those inspectors would have had to give Saddam a
clean bill of health as far as WMD's were concerned and he would have been
able to open the oil spigots and sell his oil for Euro's.  Iran had
indicated a willingness to also convert to Euro's as well as North Korea.
The "axis of evil" or in other words, the axis of petro-dollar elimination.
If and when the time comes that China and Japan do not need a large reserve
of dollars with which to buy oil, the US Dollar will be essentially what it
costs to produce.  i.e.nearly worthless, $.003 for any denomination...
that's what it costs to print, and eventually that's what it will be worth.
The illegal Iraq war is only a stop-gap to the inevitable crash of the
global petro-dollar economy.  It's not just about the oil, it's about
propping up the fraudulent dollar.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Littrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sadam did not declare war on us and presented no immediate threat.  In the
long run he was a danger to US and European oil interests

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