Ethanol Q&A:
 How will E20 affect your car, the environment? 
 Robert Franklin,  Star Tribune 
 April 29, 2005 

 Both houses of the Legislature have passed bills
 that could require 20 percent ethanol content
 -- double the current requirement -- in gasoline
 sold in Minnesota by 2013. A conference committee is to
 reconcile differences between Senate and House bills.

 Here are some questions and answers raised by the issue:

 Will this affect my car's performance? 

 The change would result in a 3.5 percent loss in
 engine energy, said Bruce Jones, professor and director of
 the Minnesota Center for Automotive Research at
 Minnesota State University, Mankato.
 Flint Hills Resources, operator of a Rosemount refinery,
 told the House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
 that it could be in the range of 6 to 10 percent,
 said Craig Clark, committee administrator.

 Jones said a yearlong test of 16 unmodified vehicles
 running on 30 percent ethanol showed no driveability
 problems and no fuel system component failures.

 Will fuel prices drop? 

 Yes, more than enough to offset any energy loss,
 Clark said. He pointed to American Lung Association
 surveys in March that showed disparities as great as
 $1.499 for E85 fuel (85 percent ethanol)
 to $2.099 for unleaded regular gasoline.

 What about small engines?

 An Australian government study found a
 "significant" loss of power in E20, but
 only in engines operated at well above their rated speed.
 The House bill was amended to seek an opinion from the
 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on whether
 E20 will create a hazard for motorcycles, outboard motors,
 snowmobiles and other machines with small engines.

 Will E20 void my car warranty?

 That's a private contract, but E20 must be approved by
 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before it
 is required, and Clark said he thinks manufacturers
 would be hard-pressed to withhold warranties in such a case. 

 Will non-ethanol gasoline still be available?

 Yes, for cars more than 20 years old.

 What's the economic effect? 

 Fourteen Minnesota ethanol plants produced
 400 million gallons last year,
 supporting 5,300 jobs and
 generating $1.35 billion in economic activity,
 Clark said. Obviously, that would increase, and
 more plants are planned. Corn prices are
 10 cents a bushel higher in areas with
 an ethanol plant, he said.

 What about environmental effects?

 Cars burning E20 should show
 small reductions in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide
 and greenhouse emissions, slight increases in
 nitrous oxides and formaldehydes, Clark said.
 However, Rep. Michael Paymar, DFL-St. Paul,
 argued that "there's significant evidence"
 that ethanol doesn't reduce carbon monoxide
 but produces carcinogens and smog.
 Clark said ethanol produces 67 percent more energy
 than it takes to produce, while gasoline produces
 20 percent less than production energy.
 Rep. Frank Hornstein, DFL-Minneapolis, argued that
 a trend toward coal-burning ethanol plants
 would harm the environment.

 Other arguments?

 E20 will reduce dependence on foreign oil and
 promote rural development, say proponents such as
 Rep. Greg Davids, R-Preston, the bill's chief House sponsor.
 But it's a subsidized boondoggle, said Paymar.
 "The industry can stand on its own."
 A state subsidy, which started at 20 cents a gallon,
 has been reduced to 13 cents and will be
 phased out in time, Clark said.

 Different versions of the bill
 were passed 91-43 Wednesday by the House and
 54-12 earlier by the Senate.
 Gov. Tim Pawlenty has made the bill a priority.
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