An excellent cause and an excellent idea. all the info on making biodiesel you and I will ever need can be had at

As to were to find the equipment required first learn from the reading material how it is made and then use your imagination, it is amazing what you can convert/modify to do the job. As to licences and permits your local government can answer all your questions but at a guess because of some of the chemicals involved I would say setting up to meet local requirements won't be cheap or easy. Having said that I am in Australia not Seattle and things might be completely different over there as to regulations.

Hope that helps.

Sanders, Martha wrote:


I'm involved with Cascade People's Center, a family support center near downtown Seattle. We are a non-profit family support center that provides free programs for children, youth, families, and individuals. One of our programs, the Advocate's Task Force, has decided to start a biodiesel project. We hope to start making and selling biodiesel as a source of sustainable income for the center, as grants and other funding sources are hard to come by.
Our biggest challenge right now is finding materials for the processor.  We 
have almost no budget to work from, so we are wondering if you have any ideas 
about how to get the materials for little or no cost.  What has worked for you? 
 Also, we are wondering what is needed in terms of licensing, and if a permit 
is needed for the transportation of waste veggi oil.

I appreciate your time and look forward to your response!

Stay Well,
Martha Sanders
Cascade People's Center
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