Environment News Service:

California Plans Cuts in Vehicle CO2 Emissions

By Cat Lazaroff

SACRAMENTO, California, February 1, 2002 (ENS) - By the narrowest of 
margins, the California State Assembly has approved a bill that could 
create the nation's first restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions 
from automobile tailpipes. The bill directs the California Air 
Resources Board to adopt regulations that reduce the greenhouse gas 
pollution emitted by passenger vehicles.

Vehicle emissions account for 58 percent of the greenhouse gas 
pollution, compared to 31 percent for the nation as a whole (Photo 
courtesy National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
The California Assembly voted 42-24 along party lines to pass AB 1058 
by Democratic Assembly member Fran Pavley. Forty-one votes were 
required to pass the bill.

If the measure becomes law, state regulators will draft rules aimed 
at achieving "the maximum feasible reduction" of carbon dioxide 
emitted by California's passenger vehicles and light duty trucks, 
including sport utility vehicles. The regulations would need to be in 
place by January 2004, but auto manufacturers would be given 
flexibility in deciding how to achieve the new standards.

The Board would be required to provide a report about the proposed 
program to the California Legislature by 2003, and the Legislature 
would then have one year to review the regulations.

"This bill will give us the opportunity to protect California's 
economy, public health and the environment from the potentially 
devastating effects of global warming," said Assemblymember Pavley. 
"The bill will also allow California to greatly affect the outcome of 
the world's global warming crisis."

California Assemblymember Fran Pavley, author of the bill targeting 
vehicle CO2 emissions (Photo courtesy California Assembly)
"Global warming is the most urgent environmental problem we face 
today," Pavley added. "According to a consensus of the world's top 
scientists, global warming will increase extreme weather conditions 
and will potentially devastate many of the critical economic drivers 
in the state, including the agricultural, fishing, timber, real 
estate and insurance industries."

The bill was cosponsored by two conservation groups, the Natural 
Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Bluewater Network. The 
Democratically controlled California Senate took up the bill today, 
and is expected to pass it as well.

"California has to take the lead in addressing climate change because 
we are a significant part of the problem and because the White House 
and Congress have dropped the ball," said Ann Notthoff, California 
advocacy director for NRDC.

Carbon dioxide and other emissions from cars and light trucks are 
responsible for one third of statewide climate change pollution, 
Notthoff noted.

"Climate change is a global problem, but its effects will be felt 
locally. Rising temperatures will increase summer smog and a smaller 
Sierra snowpack would cut water supplies in a state already thirsty 
for water," Notthoff explained. "California's 22.6 million cars and 
light trucks belch 142 million tons of carbon dioxide into the 
atmosphere each year. California cannot solve climate change alone, 
but we can reduce our contribution to the problem and make ourselves 
a model for the rest of the world."

California has long been a leader in combatting vehicle emissions, 
passing regulations that encouraged sales of emission free vehicles 
like the EV1, an electric car (Photo courtesy General Motors)
Under a provision of the federal Clean Air Act, if California adopts 
AB 1058, other states will be able to follow suit, matching the new 
emissions limits with laws of their own.

The bill has the support of a broad coalition of individuals and 
organizations, including Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), a group of 
Silicon Valley business leaders that took an active role in meeting 
with legislators and galvanizing the business community to back the 

"As business leaders, we recognize that immediate action must be 
taken to preserve the economic and natural resources that our state's 
businesses and residents depend and thrive on," said Bob Epstein, 
founder of E2. "The long term economic benefits of this bill stretch 
well beyond climate change protection. In fact, a recent study by the 
National Academy of Sciences concluded that carbon dioxide emissions 
from personal vehicles could be reduced by 30 to 40 percent by using 
readily available technologies that will save consumers thousands of 
dollars at the pump."

Local governments - including Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose 
- have also expressed support for the bill, as have a number of 
public health groups.

"This is a huge victory for the environment, air quality, and public 
health. It's also a win for motorists who will save on their gas 
costs," said Russell Long, executive director of Bluewater Network. 
"By taking this reasonable step now, we'll help insure a livable 
planet for our children."

Hybrid electric vehicles might become more common in California if 
the new CO2 regulations become law (Photo courtesy Ford Motor Company)
Assemblymember Pavley said she wrote the bill because of California's 
outsized global warming emissions.

"California has a unique responsibility to help solve global 
warming," said Assemblymember Pavley. "Our state is home to just half 
of one percent of the world's population, but produces nearly two 
percent of global carbon emissions."

In California, transportation is responsible for 58 percent of the 
greenhouse gas pollution, compared to 31 percent for the nation as a 

"Global warming is not only an environmental threat, but also a 
public health threat," said Bonnie Holmes-Gen, assistant vice 
president of the American Lung Association in California. "Air 
pollution is already a problem in California, and global warming will 
only worsen it. AB 1058 is a proactive measure that reduces both of 
these problems."

The auto industry says the bill is likely to increase costs for 
automakers forced to develop new technologies to meet the new 
requirements. No existing technology can directly control carbon 
dioxide (CO2) emissions from vehicles, said Gloria Bergquist, a 
spokesperson for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

California Governor Gray Davis is expected to sign the bill if it 
passes the state senate (Photo courtesy Office of the Governor)
The only way to reduce CO2 emissions would be to reduce a vehicle's 
fuel consumption, Bergquist added, saying that consumers in 
California may be faced with a reduced vehicle selection as 
automakers scramble to find models that will meet the new 

But conservation groups say the auto industry should consider other 
alternatives, such as alternative fuels and better tires.

"We've repeatedly asked the auto industry to collaborate in shaping 
this bill, but they refused," said Bluewater's Long. "Like the 
tobacco industry, they deny there's even a problem. We're glad the 
legislature saw through the rhetoric." 
January 31, 2002
Assembly Passes Bill to Control Emissions of Greenhouse Gas
The measure would reduce cars' carbon dioxide emissions, a cause of 
global warming. Davis and auto makers may win changes in Senate.
- 2/1/2002 -
California to be first state to regulate carbon dioxide emissions
Associated Press

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