Actually, the proposal is for 1,000,000 gpy plant.  My estimate is that there 
is about 1 gallon available for recovery per person per year. Albany is in a 
2,000,000 metro center, but the oil will come from beyond that area too.

The situation in the US is that it is illegal for small producers to make 
this fuel. Only large producers can afford the overhead payments to the NBB 
that has exclusive rights to make this stuff. I wanted to change that and 
start a movement of small entrepeneurs in urban centers. Note that the next 
nearest producer is over 500 miles away. Obviously the current production 
system does not work in the northeast US.  My proposal wanted to change all 
of that. Maybe yes, maybe no, but it was a proposal.

I also believe a production facility can be built for a lot less than the 
going rate. Lots of other basic research too, as time and more grants allow.

Tom Leue

In a message dated 6/8/02 8:57:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Tom,

please allow me one question: What is the potential amount of UVO,

yellow grease, grease trap and other feedstock within let's say 100

miles around you?

A 250,000 gallon per year initial production facility looks to small to

be economic according to European experience, where fuel prices are much

higher anyway.

I do not want to sound too critical, Its just that I do not understand,

what is the point you want to make: If it is to produce BD from yellow

grease at a commercial scale, that has been shown in several places

already, is'nt it?

Or is it to develop a US technology for small batch equipment? There is

Pacific biodiesel....

Or is your aim to see as much production capacity up and running in the

US as ASAP? In that case I belive our ENERGEA CTER technology approach

may help investors to move into the field very fast.

Camillo Holecek

Biodiesel Raffinerie GmbH, and 

ENERGEA biodiesel technology,

Austria >>

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