
U.S. Studies SUV Mileage Standards
Administration May Propose Modest Fuel Efficiency Gains

By Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 21, 2002; Page A12

The Bush administration is reviewing a proposal to require auto 
manufacturers to make a modest improvement in the fuel efficiency of 
sport-utility vehicles and light trucks at a time of heightened 
concern about U.S. dependence on Middle East oil.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said yesterday 
that it had submitted a proposal to the White House earlier this 
month to raise the fuel efficiency standards of SUVs, beginning with 
2005 models. The administration is expected to announce a final rule 
by April 1, to give automakers time to make the necessary changes in 
engine and body designs.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the NHTSA's draft 
recommendation would raise fuel efficiency standards by roughly a 
half a mile per gallon each year in model years 2005 through 2007, to 
22.2 miles per gallon in 2007. NHTSA, a Transportation Department 
agency with authority to establish fuel economy standards, based its 
plan on data submitted by Detroit's Big Three automakers.

Claire Buchan, a White House spokeswoman, declined to comment on the 
details of the proposal but stressed that no decision has been 
reached. "Any decision will be made consistent with the 
administration's policy . . . that we believe fuel efficiency should 
be increased in a way that protects lives and jobs," she said.

Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the House Energy 
and Commerce Committee, and several environmental groups criticized 
the proposal as inadequate in the face of a possible war with Iraq 
that could disrupt Middle East oil supplies. "The Bush administration 
claims to be striving for energy independence -- yet this proposed 
increase in fuel economy for SUVs doesn't even come close to what 
could be achieved using technologies that are already available," 
Markey said.

However, Kevin Mills, director of Environmental Defense's pollution 
prevention alliance, said, "Compared to the last CAFE rulemaking, an 
increase of this level would be a significant step forward."

Even small changes in U.S. driving habits can have a significant 
impact on domestic oil consumption and international markets. 
Congress established the corporate average fuel economy targets for 
cars and trucks in 1975 in response to the Arab oil embargo. But the 
auto industry has increasingly resisted the CAFE system. Congress has 
routinely imposed a freeze on CAFE rulemaking, and the House and 
Senate rejected measures to stiffen fuel efficiency requirements 
during deliberations over proposed energy legislation last year and 
this year. But Congress late last year lifted the rulemaking ban, 
enabling NHTSA to develop the latest proposal.

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