June 3, 2003

Despite Unresolved Environmental Problems, U.S. Senate May Allow 
Double Amount Of Ethanol In Gas

H. JOSEF HEBERT, ASSOCIATED PRESS: Politicians hail ethanol, the 
corn-based gasoline additive, as a boon to the environment and a way 
to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

But ethanol also comes with its own environmental problems, and 
scientists disagree over whether producing ethanol uses more fossil 
energy than it replaces.

The Senate this week will decide whether to double the amount of 
ethanol to be used in gasoline, to 5 billion gallons a year. Critics 
say the plan is just one more subsidy for corn growers. But 
supporters say the proposal is essential to an energy policy that is 
less reliant on oil.

"It will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It will protect the 
environment," says Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Rep.-Tennessee.

There is skepticism about those claims.

Ethanol's benefits are "a mixed bag," says Blake Early, an American 
Lung Association lobbyist.

Ethanol's clearest air-quality benefit is that it significantly cuts 
carbon monoxide, he says. But ethanol also releases more nitrogen 
oxide, a key element of smog, and it evaporates more easily than 
gasoline, causing still other air-pollution problems, Early says.

On balance, ethanol "certainly isn't worse than gasoline," Early 
says, but "it's not that helpful from a smog perspective."

The government also has identified ethanol plants as significant air 
polluters but has reached deals to curtail plant emissions.

And some scientists now say that ethanol also can complicate cleaning 
up gasoline spills.

"It certainly is not all that benign," said Tom Curtis, an official 
of the American Water Works Association, which represents 
professionals involved in the drinking-water-supply business.

Curtis cites research indicating that gasoline plumes containing 
ethanol degrade more slowly in groundwater than plumes of only 
gasoline. Toxic chemicals such as benzene in ethanol-blended gasoline 
disperse more widely and take longer to degrade.

These studies "are far from conclusive" and should be pursued 
further, says Monte Shaw, a spokesman for the Renewable Fuels 
Association, which represents the ethanol industry.

But he maintains that because ethanol replaces ten percent of the 
gasoline, there is also less benzene and other toxic chemicals --- 
normally found in gasoline --- going into the water. And, he says, 
refiners can blend their gasoline in ways to counter the 
air-pollution concerns.

Ethanol supporters emphasize that it is a motor fuel made in America 
and that it is not a fossil fuel ---- particularly from another 
country. That, they argue, makes it perfect for improving the 
country's energy security, as well as helping to fight global warming 
because greenhouse gases mostly come from the burning of fossil fuels.

Critics counter that ethanol does not come through as advertised on 
either of those points.

"Ethanol does not increase energy security," says David Pimentel, an 
agricultural ecologist at Cornell University. "It remains a fact that 
it takes more energy to produce a gallon of ethanol than you get out 
of it."

Pimentel says ethanol, when made from corn, should not even be 
considered a renewable fuel --- and actually provides little help on 
global warming. It takes large amounts of nonrenewable natural gas, 
coal and oil to make fertilizer and grow the corn, process ethanol 
and transport it in trucks and rail cars.

However, studies by the Agriculture Department and the Energy 
Department's Argonne National Laboratory conclude a 34 percent 
overall energy gain in using ethanol. Most of the energy used in 
making ethanol comes from coal or natural gas, domestic sources 
instead of petroleum-based gasoline that relies on imports, they note.

Michael Wang, a co-author in both the Argonne and Agriculture 
Department studies, maintains that Pimentel used old data that do not 
take into account substantial improvements in corn farming and 
ethanol processing. All of that, he contends, has reduced energy use.

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