The Agribusiness Examiner
June 9, 2003, Issue #256
Monitoring Corporate Agribusiness From a Public Interest Perspective


Questioning Current NY Times Reporting Occasions Revisiting Paper's 
Handling Of ADM Scandal

Amidst the daily headlines and media self-flagellation surrounding 
the methods employed by certain members of the New York Times staff 
in reporting "all the news that's fit to print" along with the 
resignations of two of its top editors, the highly questionable 
"reporting" of the paper's Kurt Eichenwald concerning the 1990's 
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) price-fixing scandal continues to remain 
largely ignored.

For while it may come as a surprise to many, before the Enron, 
WorldCom, Arthur Anderson scandals became page one news a far more 
aggrievious "crime in the suites", affecting a much larger clientele 
than its sexy predecessors was unfolding. From its inception THE 
AGRIBUSINESS EXAMINER has been tracking the story of how ADM, the 
nation's largest grain processing company, has become a veritable 
symbol of corporate crime, corruption and political influence 

Only a few publications at the time bothered to report the many and 
varied aspects of this case --- a classical study in white collar 
crime. One paper who did publish stories on what would become a 
scandal involving a variety of multinational corporations and high 
government officials was the New York Times. However, how fairly the 
Times and its correspondent covered the scandal that was ADM would 
come under sharp attack as was recounted in this newsletter two years 

In light of the questions now being raised about how the Times 
reports its stories it is both illuminating and instructive to 
revisit those charges leveled against the paper and Eichenwald.

Challenging not only the veracity of his reporting and his 
willingness to serve the interests of ADM and its Washington, D.C. 
influence peddling law firm of Williams and Connolly, but the 
unwillingness of his employer to deal with such conduct, author Kurt 
Eichenwald and the New York Times became the subject of scathing 
allegations after the publication of his book "The Informant".

In a series of over some 30 documented letters --- all unanswered 
---- to the Times Managing Editor William Keller, ADM Shareholders 
Watch Committee co-founder David Hoech accused Eichenwald of 
"unethical conduct" and the Times' "actions and inactions" as just 
"another example of a 'Corporate Predator' that will do whatever it 
takes to make a buck."

Eichenwald's book which advertised itself as "a true story," 
purported to describe how "the FBI was ready to take down America's 
most politically powerful corporation. But there was one thing they 
didn't count on. THE INFORMANT". Curiously nowhere on the book's 
cover, its dust jacket, or in the full-page advertisements for the 
book that later appeared in the Times is "America's most politically 
powerful corporation" mentioned by name.

Rather the book's main focus centered around the story of Mark 
Whitacre, the former ADM executive who acted as an FBI mole for three 
years uncovering a vast international corporate conspiracy led by ADM 
to fix the price of lysine, a feed additive for livestock and 
poultry, and his often unaccountable conduct throughout the legal 
battles that followed the exposure of the company's illegal 

As Hoech noted in his Letter #5: "Having dealt with Eichenwald for 
over five years concerning the ADM saga, I know he marches to a 
different drummer than most of the reporters I have worked with, and 
I assume the Times knows this also. When Eichenwald tells me that he 
controls what is printed in the Times concerning Archer Daniels 
Midland, I can now believe him."


Unlike the authoritative and well-documented "Rats in the Grain: The 
Dirty Tricks and Trials of Archer Daniels Midland The Supermarket to 
the World" by James B. Lieber (Four Walls, Eight Windows Press, New 
York: 2000), Eichenwald's book, in Hoech's words, simply sought to 
depict Whitacre as a "freak" while giving "protection to ADM, 
Williams & Connolly and the Justice Department who were all involved 
in covering up the criminal activity of the Andreas crime family who 
still run ADM."

"After Whitacre exposed ADM," Lieber writes, "the media mobbed the 
story, touting it as a David and Goliath parable. After the exposer 
was exposed, the press drifted away. Good versus evil inside a 
multinational corporation was front-page news. Greed versus greed was 
buried in the business section, if it made the paper at all.

"In a tabloid culture," he noted, "trials of gruesome crimes generate 
the most news. Searing tragedies for those involved, they become 
gladiatorial spectacles for the rest of us. But bloodless while 
collar trials say more about the way the world works, and it is my 
personal bias that it makes sense to pay more attention to them."

Clearly Hoech agreed, for as Lieber noted Hoech did not let the story 
die. Rather in the years since the FBI raided ADM's headquarters in 
Decatur, Illinois on June 27, 1995, Hoech has maintained constant 
contact with reporters from The New York Times (including 
Eichenwald), Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, the Decatur 
Herald-Review, Bloomberg News Service and a number of other 
free-lance journalists including this editor.

As Lieber pointed out: "He supplied them with leads that they often 
followed and sometimes with ADM or government documents, including 
tape transcripts. Some reporters questioned his motivation, and at 
times his sanity, but most kept coming back for more. Hoech never let 
the case get out of the news or relaxed pressure on ADM."

As Hoech himself exclaims "the law prostituted brings chaos and chaos 
brings on dictatorship. Democracy functions best when people stand 
up. That's all I'm doing. People call me and say you don't know who 
you are up against. I say Dwayne [Dwayne O. Andreas, former ADM CEO, 
Board Chairman and a major political party funder] doesn't know what 
he's up against."

Various charges have been flung at Hoech and his wife Carole, editor 
of the Shareholders Watch Newsletter, but the Hoechs have been 
charged with no crimes, nor have their examined financial and tax 
records indicated anything untoward. When Lieber asked Hoech why the 
couple have turned their lives upside down over ADM, Hoech responds, 
"because Dwayne's no better than a street pimp. He and his people in 
Washington think the masses are asses."

Indeed, as one reads through Lieber's book, one sees not only the 
contempt for the public --- "the competitor is our friend, the 
consumer is our enemy" was a popular ADM mantra --- but where the law 
was indeed prostituted in the ADM case, for "Rats In The Grain" is a 
genuine story of a corporate culture of corruption and manipulation.


How that corporate culture can be all-pervasive, even in the court 
room, seemed of little interest to Eichenwald. For example, aside 
from his being identified in a photo of U.S. Department of Justice 
officials being presented a special award for their work in the ADM 
case, Joel Klein, then the DofJ Antitrust head and the man who 
oversaw the entire case against ADM and its executives, is not 
mentioned once throughout Eichenwald's 606-page book.

In his Letter #4 to the Times' Keller, Hoech repeated a charge he 
made throughout his correspondence with the paper concerning 

"As co-founder of the Archer Daniels Midland Shareholders Watch 
Committee I have been actively involved in exposing the corruption at 
ADM for over five years. I also have exposed Williams & Connolly, the 
Washington D.C. law firm who represents ADM, and various people at 
the Department of Justice who have been involved in the subversion of 
justice in the handling of the criminal activities of ADM and the 
Andreas crime family.

"We have gone out of our way both in time and expense to supply the 
reporters and writers covering this story. Many newspapers chose not 
to publish the material, but they didn't turn around and use the 
material to write a book. The Times, which considers itself the 
"newspaper of record," has crossed the line in allowing Eichenwald to 
report on ADM and to also write a book at the same time. We supplied 
documents and information to Eichenwald to be reported in the New 
York Times, not to be used in his book. His distortion and omission 
of documented information that he obtained from our group leads us to 
believe he was compromised."

Throughout his "Pay Per View" letter writing campaign, which began on 
September 1, 2000, Hoech received not a single answer from the paper. 
Later, he learned, from Eichenwald, that he was considered a 
"security risk."

He recounts his conversation in Letter #30 with Eichenwald telling him:

"For the last few months the Times has been, I believe, of the 
incorrect impression you sometimes use language far too inflammatory 
for your own good, and they are under the impression you are a 
security risk."

Once again, Hoech noted, I am hearing about being a security risk. 
"He said the way the Times deals with security risks is ignoring 
them. I have been under instructions to ignore you. I haven't been 
able ever to say anything to you." Eichenwald continued.

Eichenwald went on to say that "he was one of the only journalists in 
the country who uncovers corporate crime, and these letters will hurt 
him in winning over cooperation from witnesses." After the ADM story 
Eichenwald would later become the Times primary reporter on the Enron 

Eichenwald said he told the Times, "What is very funny is if I don't 
get to respond to David Hoech, all he is going to do is think I am 
hiding. All he is going to do is think his letters are cutting to the 
quick, and I am standing here all a quiver."

At an Antitrust Institute meeting at the Plaza Hotel in New York, 
Eichenwald was a luncheon guest speaker. He said, "he thought it was 
ridiculous, but the Times imposed all these security measures at the 
Plaza Hotel. I told the Times that Hoech is not a threat. You write 
words that make you sound like a threat, but you're not."

"If Eichenwald told the Times that I am not a threat," Hoech asked, 
"then who decided that I was? I was getting tired of his 
pontificating and decided to end the conversation. I did tell him 
that he had betrayed my confidence, as I was one of his greatest 
sources. He had bragged about me to Glenn Kramon [Deputy Business 
Editor at the Times], yet he would not protect me and funneled 
information back to Williams & Connolly." Hoech, unlike in Lieber's 
book, is not mentioned in Eichenwald's acknowledgments.


In Letter #23 Hoech again accused Eichenwald of being a "less than 
honorable reporter" when he told Keller:

"Shame on Eichenwald for constantly abusing Whitacre and publicly 
repeating that Whitacre is losing his mind. Less than a month ago I 
spoke with Richard Kurth, one of the attorneys for Whitacre during 
this period, who said they just took it for granted that Eichenwald 
was working for Williams & Connolly. It sure does appear that way, as 
he refused to write a story about Williams & Connolly who falsely 
accused me of taking $2.5 million dollars and filed court documents 
stating $2.5 million was missing when it was not. Eichenwald knew all 
the money was accounted for, as the Federal prosecutor Donald Mackay 
told him so at Whitacre's sentencing."

On March 4, 1998, the day of the sentencing of Whitacre, prosecutor 
MacKay told reporters that all the money Whitacre allegedly embezzled 
while working at ADM was all accounted for, but a month later 
Williams & Connolly said $2.5 million was missing while seeking to 
subpoena from Hoech's Florida bank all of his personal and business 
records, without limitation, because it believed that the stolen 
money "might be sitting in (or might be moved through) Hoech's bank 

Challenged by Hoech's lawyer, John R. Kelso , to put up or shut up 
DofJ Fraud Trial Attorney James J. Nixon replied, "Concerning the 
relationship between your client and Mr. Whitacre, although the 
government has no evidence that Mr. Hoech engaged in any illegal 
monetary transactions with Mr. Whitacre, the government cannot 
confirm whether or not Mr. Hoech received any fraudulent proceeds."

In Rats In The Grain Lieber writes: "Previously, an ADM attorney had 
confessed to Kelso that Hoech's propaganda had stung the corporation. 
But the retaliatory strike was brazen for two reasons. First, as they 
later admitted, neither ADM nor its lawyers had any basis for 
suggesting that Hoech took any money. Ordinarily, recklessly and 
falsely accusing a person of a crime is slanderous, but by using its 
high-priced legal guns to make the slur in court, ADM achieved 
immunity from a defamation suit. ADM's goal plainly was to harm 
Hoech's reputation in his backyard by making him seem like a thief."

Hoech, in a February 3, 1999 letter to then U.S. Attorney General 
Janet Reno, charged "again your department was carrying water for 
Williams & Connolly as they have been since early July, 1995. If $2.5 
million were missing Whitacre would never have gotten a plea 
agreement. The lies your department has told to assist Williams & 
Connolly in their reign of terror to silence the voice of the 
shareholders is criminal."

Shortly after the FBI raided ADM's offices the company accused 
Whitacre of embezzling over $9.5 million from the company by means of 
bogus invoices and off-shore accounts and filed suit in Switzerland 
seeking to recover the funds. Whitacre meanwhile claimed that ADM 
President Jim Randall had approved all the payments as "special 
bonuses," with the first one timed approximately at the same time 
Mick Andreas first insisted that he meet and work with Terrance W. 
Wilson on the lysine price fixing matter.

Andreas and Wilson were convicted of conspiring to fix the $650 
million annual global market in lysine, ordered to pay a $350,000 
fine and ultimately sentenced to serve in prison three years and two 
years and nine months respectively. Andreas was vice chairman of ADM, 
"Supermarkup to the World," and Wilson was president of the company's 
corn processing division.

Evidence of what Whitacre termed "special bonuses" probably will 
never be found since it is reported that Randall made a personal 
visit to the ADM comptroller soon after the FBI raid and requested 
specific invoices be pulled. It was also a few weeks after Whitacre 
had been exposed that ADM "discovered" evidence of his illegal money 
transfers "almost by blind luck," despite what was purported to be a 
tightly audited corporate comptroller's office and internal audits.

At the same time Dwayne Andreas, upon learning that Whitacre had been 
an FBI mole, declared "Mark Whitacre will regret the day he was 
born." Later, however, in a taped interview with the Washington 
Post's Peter Carlson in mid-1996 Andreas said he had known about 
Whitacre's alleged embezzlements as "early as 1992" but didn't say 
anything "because he wanted to get the money back." Yet, in March, 
1995 Andreas circulated a Dain Bosworth report favorable to the 
company in which Whitacre was mentioned as the next ADM president.

Curiously, two years later colleague farm columnist Alan Guebert 
reported that in May, 1997 the Swiss lawsuit against Whitacre by ADM 
was quietly dropped.


Among Hoech's most serious charges were that Eichenwald refused to 
report in the Times and covered up the fact that ADM was allowed to 
keep a $85 million business with the USDA as part of a "side 
agreement" as part of the $100 million guilty plea agreement.

Both documents and audio tape that implicates Williams & Connolly, 
DofJ's Joel Klein and a select Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) 
committee, in obstruction of justice in the coverup were presented to 
United States District Court Judge Ruben Castillo.

That evidence presented to the court had its genesis and relates to 
comments made at an April 18, 1999 town meeting on "Concentration And 
Monopoly In Agriculture" held in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hosting the 
event were the late Senator Paul Wellstone (Dem-Minnesota), Tom 
Harkin (Dem.-Iowa, and Tom Daschle (Dem.-South Dakota). Special 
guests included Klein, and Michael Dunn, Assistant Secretary, USDA 
Marketing and Regulatory Programs, Packers & Stockyards Programs. In 
attendance were over 800 farmers and farm groups from numerous 
surrounding states.

Klein was asked at the meeting if he was the person who supervised 
and signed off on the ADM plea agreement, and he confirmed that he 
was. He was also asked how the Justice Department calculated the 
enormity of such a fine, and he gave an explanation.

Dunn was asked why the USDA would let ADM keep its contracts worth 
$85 million and on the other hand fine ADM only $100 million dollars. 
Dunn replied that ADM wanted to keep the business, and it was part of 
the plea agreement. Dunn not only made it known that Klein was 
involved in the decision, but went into detail on how the deal was 
done with the Justice Department concerning ADM being allowed to keep 
doing business with the USDA.

Yet, the plea agreement signed October 15, 1996 makes no mention of 
this part of the deal.

It is an automatic three-year disbarment from government contracts 
when a company is convicted or pleads guilty to a criminal offense. 
During the same month that the Justice Department signed off on the 
ADM plea agreement Sun-Diamond Growers of California was 
automatically disbarred for three years after they were convicted of 
illegal gratuities to former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and 
illegal campaign contributions made to Espy's brother. The ban 
included all of Sun-Diamond's cooperatives and dozens of its top 

Critics of the entire DofJ and USDA "arrangement" point out that 
although the Department of Justice felt it was inappropriate for it 
to comment, they certainly did not feel their involvement with the 
USDA in corporate governance matters at ADM was appropriate when they 
reached the aforementioned agreement.

In presenting the new evidence of the details in the plea agreement 
to Judge Castillo, Hoech notes that in August of 1996 "a prominent 
lawyer from Washington D.C. told me that this case involves a bigger 
coverup than Watergate. This coverup involves the Department of 
Justice, FBI, USDA, CIA, FDA, EPA and the accounting firm of Ernst & 

In his Letter #25 to Keller, Hoech noted:

"Once again may I remind you that I have kept impeccable records 
concerning my conversations with Eichenwald. Once again Eichenwald is 
covering for Williams & Connolly. All of Dunn's conversations in St. 
Paul were on audio tape, yet he refused to write about this in the 
Times. On the other hand, if Whitacre had lied, Eichenwald would have 
had it on the front page of the Times.

"Eichenwald did write in his book that Anne K. Bingaman supervised 
the plea agreement with ADM, which is a total lie. I received a 
letter from Joel Klein after giving material to Attorney General 
Janet Reno. The letter was written on Bingaman's stationery and typed 
"Sincerely, Anne K. Bingaman," but had Joel Klein's signature. Bill 
Clinton did not want anything to go wrong with this deal, so Klein, 
former White House counsel, was put in charge. Just ask Anne K. 
Bingaman, and she will confirm this. You do not see Bingaman's 
picture in Eichenwald's book, but you do see Joel Klein's. This past 
August after Eichenwald's book went to press he called and wanted a 
copy of that letter. I know he wanted it to give to Williams & 

"Eichenwald knew I had presented to Federal Judge Castillo, the 
presiding judge in this case, all the documents, audio tape and 
information that proves Aubrey Daniel knowingly lied in court 
documents. Klein was in bed with Daniel in the construction of the 
false plea agreement. Also, ADM' s comptroller Steven Mills stood 
before Judge Castillo and made false statements under the direction 
of Daniel. Dan Glickman, then Secretary of the USDA under Clinton, 
later received his payday for allowing ADM to keep the USDA business. 
Robert Strauss, ADM board member and Dwayne Andreas' good friend, 
gave Glickman a job with his firm Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. 
This law firm also was involved in ADM being allowed to keep the USDA 

It was the politically powerful law firm of Williams & Connolly who 
not only represented ADM unsuccessfully in its price fixing suit, but 
it also represented President Bill Clinton in his 1999 impeachment 
trail before the U.S. Senate. Williams & Connolly, including 
Clinton's personal attorney David Kendall, has likewise been one 
among several attorneys representing FOX Television interests 
battling investigative reporters Jane Akre and Steve Wilson in their 
suit against their former employer Rupert Murdoch's FOX 13 TV station 
in Tampa Bay, Florida.

The couple charged that they were fired for refusing to broadcast 
statements which they considered to be untrue about bovine growth 
hormone (rBGH), manufactured by Monsanto, a major FOX advertiser. A 
six-person jury eventually awarded $425,000 in damages to Akre after 
finding enough evidence that proved FOX took retaliatory personnel 
action against her because she threatened to blow the whistle to the 
Federal Communications Commission that FOX Television pressured the 
husband-and-wife team to broadcast "a false, distorted or slanted 
news report."

Efforts by Williams & Connolly attorney's to set aside the jury's 
verdict after having failed three times finally achieved success 
after a verdict on February 14 was handed down by the Court of Appeal 
of the Florida Second District. In that verdict the Court in essence 
said technically it is not against any law, rule, or regulation to 
deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.

The link between the ADM scandal and the Akre-Wilson lawsuit is not 
only Williams & Connolly, but also that the New York Times has 
steadfastly refused to publish any news stories regarding the 
latter's suit and Akre's damage award or appeal.


Throughout Hoech's "33 Pay Per View" letters he calls to the 
attention of the Times managing editor repeated instances of 
Eichenwald's "unethical conduct." They included among others:

* "In early summer of 1996 Eichenwald had the information that Thomas 
Frankel [former ADM treasurer] had embezzled millions of dollars from 
ADM with the Andreas's knowledge. If he had written the story at that 
time, it would have informed the stockholders of all the fraud 
Whitacre was talking about at ADM which would have rid the company of 
the Andreas Crime Family and prevented the stock from falling to less 
than $9. . . . He took time in January, 1997 to write an article that 
really creamed Whitacre, yet he couldn't report on ADM shareholders 
being ripped off of millions with the sanction of the CEO Dwayne 
Andreas." (Letter #1)

* "On April 29, 1999 The Orlando Sentinel's columnist Charley Reese 
wrote, 'Is little Elian just a pawn in an international business 
scheme' . . . Someone had sent him a copy of our [ADM Shareholder's 
Watch Committee] letter dated April 3, 1999 titled 'Is Elian Gonzalez 
ADM's Sugar Baby?' The letter detailed ADM's involvement from 1995 
beginning with Fidel Castro and Dwayne Andreas' dinner meeting in New 
York City. I had given all this information to Eichenwald and asked 
him to let the American people know why the Justice Department was 
abusing the rule of law in Elian's case. When I said that possibly 
this story doesn't fall under his jurisdiction at the Times and I 
should contact someone else, Eichenwald replied that he controlled 
what was published in the Times concerning ADM . . . " (Letter #15)

* " . . . ADM lost a U.S. Supreme Court attempt to keep almost 200 
secretly recorded tapes out of the hands of companies suing the grain 
processor for rigging prices in high fructose corn sweetener. James 
R. Randall, at the time the president of ADM, is recorded on over 100 
tapes telling Mark Whitacre, the government's cooperating witness, 
about ADM's power and describing a lot of illegal activities that 
took place before Whitacre became employed at ADM. . . . .

"It seems quite strange that the Times did not report about the 200 
tapes being turned over to the plaintiffs' attorneys suing the 
producers of high fructose corn syrup. The tapes certainly would make 
one wonder how James R. Randall and Dwayne Andreas got blanket 
immunity for a host of crimes both were involved in.

"Randall tells how Dwayne stayed in Europe during Watergate so he 
would not have to testify and how he keeps a lot of money overseas in 
case he has to leave the country and can't return. He told Whitacre 
how Dwayne had begged Michael to quit using cocaine, and Randall 
referred to Michael as the "cocaine kid." As president of the company 
we believe it was Randall's duty to get medical help for Michael 
Andreas' drug problem rather then let him continue to work. Randall 
also bragged how ADM was able to run overloaded trucks on the streets 
of Decatur without ever being arrested. This is the same ADM that 
just asked and received a big discount on their annual tax bill 
depriving the schools of much needed funds." (Letter #14)

* "Mr. Yamada, an executive of Ajinomoto Company and indicted 
conspirator in price fixing in lysine, was not extradited by the 
Department of Justice. The Department of Justice has never said why. 
The Japanese government spokesman stated that the U.S. never 
requested his extradition. Our sources in Japan said that Yamada 
attended meetings at ADM's headquarters in Decatur and that James R. 
Randall, the president of ADM, was also at the meetings. Yamada has 
said that if James Randall and Dwayne Andreas, the chairman, are 
indicted for price fixing like he was, then he would be on the next 
plane to the United States. On FBI tapes recorded at ADM, Randall 
said to Yamada, "The customer is our enemy, and the competitor is our 
friend." Dwayne Andreas, the head of the Andreas Crime Family, and 
James Randall, a "made man," were given a free ride. " (Letter #33)

* "ADM received the largest fine from a foreign governmental body in 
the history of the United States when the European Competition 
Commission fined it $45 million for price fixing activities. That 
illegal activity occurred during the period when G. Allen Andreas was 
the head of ADM's European operations. G. Allen later became the CEO 
of ADM. Eichenwald did not write about this even though he knew this 
was a landmark ruling." (Letter #33)

* "The ADM story has never been about Mark Whitacre. Whitacre was 
just the window that let us look into ADM. Your paper, the Justice 
Department, Williams & Connolly and others have worked overtime to 
close that window and put Whitacre's face on it. For over five years 
we have dedicated our lives to expose this company, because they are 
destroying our food safety, our overseas' markets, and American 
agriculture. I promise you that the world will know before the year 
is out what took place and about those who strive to suppress the 
truth." (Letter #21)


Not only has Eichenwald's integrity as a Times reporter come under 
fire, but the style of "The Informant" also received its share of 

An review, posted December 12, 2000 written by Hal Kass of 
Annapolis, Maryland titled "Mediocre High-School Pulp" observed: 
"Poorly written, disjointed, odd mixture of non-fiction and poorly 
disguised fiction. I am amazed at some of the other reviews. The 
story is basically intriguing and exciting and promises much. It 
delivers almost nothing. Gaping holes in information, most questions 
unanswered and/or un-addressed. A shoddy job by a third-rate hack of 
what might well have been a dynamite example of investigative 

Likewise "Rats in the Grain" author Lieber, in an unpublished letter 
to the editor to the New York Times, wrote:

"Bryan Burrough could not have more than paged around in 'Rats in the 
Grain' before offering his dismissive three paragraph review in your 
September 16, 2000 issue. Burrough, however, lavished substantial 
space and praise on 'The Informant' by New York Times' reporter Kurt 

"Burrough and Eichenwald are peers in the New York financial press. 
They also write similarly, specializing in reconstructing 
conversations and scenes at which they were not present. Already, 
some of the The Informant's characters have begun to quibble about 
quotes attributed to them. But that wouldn't interest Burrough.

"'Rats in the Grain' weaves history, politics, law, analysis, and 
personal profiles into an argument that ADM, a notorious special 
interest, received special justice," Leiber writes. "My aim was to 
write a muckraking educational document that could be relied on by 
the common reader as well as in the classroom and voting booth.

"Burrough singles out the book because I synopsized rather than 
reprinted the transcript of an audio tape that captured ADM 
executives' sexual chatter about women in the office. Eichenwald 
carried the dialogue verbatim but changed the women's names. However, 
due to their physical descriptions and the listing of their jobs and 
bosses, it will not be difficult to identify them in Decatur. My 
editor and I chose not to run the dialogue. The women had nothing to 
do with corporate law breaking and did not deserve to be disgraced. 
To Burrough the infotainment value of the transcript outweighed these 
concerns . . . ."

Similarly, the L.A. Lawyer magazine's review of "Rats In The Grain" 
states: "Those who wanted more than the media gave them about the ADM 
price-fixing scandal and trials can get a full account in this book."

In Letter #4 Hoech writes: "I don't know if you are aware that Lieber 
had a book deal with Simon & Schuster, and the book deal was canceled 
even after he was complimented on the material submitted. Eichenwald 
told me that he knew Lieber was going to lose his book deal after 
Eichenwald spoke with Lieber's editor. I sure would like to know what 
that conversation was all about. He had said before there is only 
going to be one book on this story, and it looks like he tried. 'Rats 
In The Grain' contains facts that should have been reported in the 
Times, and these same facts were also omitted from Eichenwald's book."

In the September 21 Decatur Herald & Review article "Books capture 
ADM scandal" Brian Shepard, the Decatur-based FBI agent who 
spearheaded the investigation, singled out Eichenwald in that 
"several quotes used in Eichenwald's book, particularly those that 
were reconstructed based on the recollection of others, were off the 
mark. 'He quoted me on one page using a profanity that I never said,' 
Shepard said. 'I know I didn't say that.'" Many others who are quoted 
in Eichenwald's book, Hoech relates, are saying the same thing. "Mark 
Whitacre spoke via phone from prison and said he is shocked how 
Eichenwald distorted the truth and omitted some of the most important 

As an example of Eichenwald's treatment of subject matter in his 
book, Hoech points out to the writer's New York Times boss in Letter 
#3: "On page 477 of Eichenwald's book he writes about the prostitutes 
in Eddyville, Iowa, hired by ADM to obtain information from 

"He quotes an FBI agent, "I can see it now," one agent chuckled. 
"Some bimbo's humping away with a Japanese guy who barely speaks 
English, and she blurts out, 'Is Pepsi-Cola a big customer?' 
Aijinomoto produces lysine an animal feed additive in Eddyville, and 
Pepsi sure isn't buying any. No agent will confirm that this 
conversation ever took place.

"It is very sad lawyers played the race card in the defense of 
Michael Andreas and Terry Wilson during the criminal price fixing 
trial in Chicago. The Judge warned them more than once as they 
referred to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and used the phrase "Yellow 
Peril." . . . For Eichenwald to use such an untruthful quote to infer 
the prostitutes were in Eddyville to speak with the Japanese would 
leave the Japanese wives to believe their husbands were bedding down 
with prostitutes in Iowa, which is a total fabrication. Those 
prostitutes were dealing with the American employees, and he knew the 

In his widely read October 1, 2000 "Farm and Food File" national 
syndicated column Alan Guebert also voices his skepticism regarding 
some of the "facts' used in Eichenwald's book:

"For instance, just six pages into the book --- written in a 
breathless, fly-on-the-wall style --- Mark Whitacre, the FBI 
informant inside ADM, 'was driving west on Interstate 36, away from 
downtown Decatur,' writes Eichenwald. Whitacre may have been driving, 
but it wasn't on Interstate 36. There is no Interstate 36 near 
Decatur. In fact, there's no Interstate 36 in Illinois.

"In another of the book's many scenes, Eichenwald writes, 'In the 
center of Decatur, a train slowly pulled into the station . . . 
carrying a team of prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney's Chicago 
office.' The date is sometime in late 1994. According to an Amtrak 
official in Springfield, Illinois, Decatur has not had passenger 
train service since the mid-1980s.

"The errors of fact are troublesome because the author is peddling 
this book as the 'true story' of the ADM scandal. . . . .

"What else in The Informant is not accurate? The book often refers to 
ADM as a 'grain producer.' Processor, yes; producer, no. It claims 
Hubert Humphrey, a long-time friend of ADM boss Dwayne Andreas, lost 
the 1968 presidential election in a 'rout.' Humphrey lost the 
election by less than one percent of the popular vote. It describes 
lysine, the animal feed ingredient at the heart of the price-fixing 
scandal, as 'just the product needed by giant meat companies like 
Tyson and Holly Farms,' in 1992. Holly Farms was bought and 
integrated into Tyson Foods in 1989, long before ADM produced one 
ounce of lysine.

"Even more troublesome than Eichenwald's literary license," Guebert 
continues, "is his liberal flair for the dramatic. From the book's 
opening scene to its last, the author writes as if he has one eye on 
the facts --- when two certainly would have served readers more fully 
--- and the other on Hollywood. All it lacks for a movie-of-the-week 
deal is a suggested list of actors to play the main roles."

(In fact, it has been reported that a movie script is now being 
written for a major movie based on The Informant.)

"Wearily, the drama often turns into melodrama. For instance, The 
Informant's last page places ADM boss Dwayne Andreas and daughter 
Sandy at a Florida airport waiving good-bye to ADM board members 
after all had attended a farewell tribute to the now-dethroned 
Soybean King.

"Writes Eichenwald: 'The emotional moment was proving to be too much 
for her (Sandy). Tears filled her eyes. "Oh Dad,"' she said. 'Andreas 
opened his arms and clutched his daughter. Together, they stood near 
the car, both sobbing with an overwhelming sadness.'

"Oh Dad? Oh, brother," Guebert concludes, "What did they do next, 
take Interstate 36 --- or the train --- back to Decatur?"


For additional information on the ADM scandal THE AGRIBUSINESS 
EXAMINER readers can enter "ADM" in the Corporate Agribusiness 
Research Project's search engine on its web site 

Contact the ADM Shareholders Watch Committee for copies of their "Pay 
Per View" letters at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Read "Bad Feelings Brewing Between Authors of ADM Books. The Case of 
the Deleted Addressee," Corporate Crime Reporter, March 19, 2001; 
"Interview With James Lieber, Lieber & Hammer, Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania, Corporate Crime Reporter, July 24, 2000; "Interview 
With John Connor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue 
University, West Lafayette, Indiana," Corporate Crime Reporter, June 
22, 1998; "Archer Daniels Midland: Price-Fixer To The World" by John 
M. Connor, Staff Paper 97-4, April, 1997, Department of Agricultural 
Economics, Purdue University; and"Archer Daniels Midland: A Case 
Study of Corruption in the Ag\Food Sector," Presented by Nicholas E. 
Hollis, President, The Agribusiness Council, April 28, 1998 before 
the Economic Crime Summit, Hyatt Regency Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri.

For a detail factual account of the ADM scandal read Rats in the 
Grain: The Dirty Tricks and Trials of Archer Daniels Midland The 
Supermarket to the World by James B. Lieber (Four Walls, Eight 
Windows Press, New York: 2000)

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