Seems to me I did exactly that about 2 posts back and you've completely ignored them, but I'll recapitulate them here.

Regarding ANWR, at peak production in 2025, it will only reduce US foreign oil consumption by 3 to 6%. Conversely, raising the CAFE standards could do at least twice that, but within the last month, the Senate Energy subcommittee voted against raising CAFE standards.

If 9/11 changed everything, and the President is serious about reducing dependence on foreign oil, why is the Senate voteing down increases in the CAFE standard?

Regarding foreign students, those foreign students make up the bulk of math and engineering students in American universities. Ejecting them from the US at age 21, as suggested by your email, is economically shortsighted.

According to the Wall Street Journal, that biased leftwing pinko wetback loving rag:

"Any policy that would depress the influx or close off our borders altogether is not in America's long-term interest, especially in a world where economic growth and competitiveness will depend above all on human capital."

According to Stuart Anderson, former staff director of the Senate Immigration Subcommittee, foreign-born high school students recently comprised 50% of the 2004 U.S Math Olympiad's top scorers, 38% of the U.S. Physics Team and 25% of the Intel Science Talent Search finalists.

Here's some relevant links:

So Lisa, there you go. Discuss.


lisa simpson wrote:
Lets avoid the personal attacks and stick to a
discussion of the facts.

Or, you can continue to assess the truth as myth and
lend yourself to the continued dis-informing, mis-informing and
propagandizing of others.

Todd Swearingen

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