no, greg, the military is not just "any other company".  although it is sort 
of like some companies, except that those mercenaries are *extremely* well 
compensated and, at least in practice, pretty much outside the law, military or 

the armed forces are an organ of the government charged with defending the 
country.  cheap, deceptive sales tactics when asking one to potentially make 
'the ultimate sacrifice' for their country, are nothing short of unethical, 
immoral and unacceptable, if not criminal.


In a message dated 6/6/05 10:15:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< No, up till 9/11 most people entered the military for one of two reasons.

The first and most popular reason is Education.

They think that it will be an easy way the get an education, without having 
to work hard to get a scholarship or the need for a loan.

The second reason, is that they want money for something and they currently 
don't have enough. 

I have heard some of their complaints, and almost always it's along the lines 
of " When I signed up almost _______  yrs ago, there wasn't any war.    I did 
it because I wanted to get 'an education' or 'the education benefit's or 'to 
get a job and skills for a job when I get out', not to kill people or get 

Many of them think that they are using the military, for their own 
purposes/benefit, but, then when they are told that they can not get out when 
the going 
gets rough, they cry "Not fair!"

The facts are:

*The military is just like any other company trying to get you to join, in 
that it is going to push the fun exciting stuff, while under emphasizing the 

*Anyone that thinks they can join the military and be subject to the 
possibility of being killed or having to kill, is living a dream that has no 
connection to reality.

*Anyone that thinks that the military can't or will not alter their terms of 
enlistment in a time of crisis is dreaming.

*Anyone that does not read the fine print on any contract before they sign, 
is a fool.

*All it takes is some checking, to find out what being in the military is 
really like.    There are to many people in ( and now out ) of the military to 
say what it was like.


Any person, in any job, that think that they can take the good and leave the 
bad, has another think coming.

Greg H. >>

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