Hello Doug

Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Filipe

I doubt it very much. Okay, no, it's not true. By 1993 Japanese fuel pumps did not contain any rubber, especially not those exported to Europe - compatability issues with the European ULSD diesel fuel had already ensured that. Our Toyota diesel is dated 1990, it's been running on nothing else but 100% biodiesel for two and a half years and there is no problem with the injector pump seals, nor with anything else.

In fact we've never heard of a real, certifiable, genuine problem with biodiesel causing failure of injector pump seals. Fuel line problems are rare enough, and seal problems apparently non-existent - an industry myth, we think. Well, perhaps they have to be over-cautious. We can afford to be more realistic (and to both make and wash our fuel properly, which the biodiesel industry certainly doesn't always do).

Also I don't think it's true that the pump seals aren't replaceable.

Go ahead and do it Filipe, I'm sure you'll be just fine, and so will the Corolla.

Best wishes


I've spent weeks since my first batch of corn-based BD came out of the processor trying to determine what will need to be done to my Datsun pickup before I get to use B-100 in it. It's a 1981, and although it's running alright on B-20, I have gotten the lengths of fuel line I'll need to replace to run on 100%. I do have the manual for this vehicle, but only sketchy information on the fuel pump, and seals aren't mentioned. It's my only vehicle, so I will have difficulty removing the seals for comparison at the auto parts store, unless I disassemble it in their parking lot.

Has anyone else out there done a conversion on the same engine (vintage) as I'm dealing with? What parts are needed to complete? Do I just need a new pump? Are there rubber impeller seals inside it? (manual says that the pump should not be disassembled by anyone less than a certified Datsun Diesel mechanic. and I'm not one of those...)

The manual indicates that I have a "Diesel KIKI-Bosch In-line type" and gives a somewhat "cut-away" diagram of it, but no exploded view, and very few of its parts are labeled or numbered...

Anyone with experience on this, or knows of a connection to Datsun that can give me the answer I need will be greatly appreciated, and sought after!

doug swanson

If you have a parts number for the pump you should be able to get Viton seals for it. Have you looked for KIKI-Bosch information online? I think any good diesel workshop should be able to do the job for you, shouldn't need to be specifically Datsun, though of course they'd say that. Maybe not if all they've ever seen is Stanadynes, but that probably wouldn't be the case.

BUT there are plenty of old Japanese diesels that people have used and are using B100 in, and we still don't hear of a rotten pump seal except in fairytales. Why don't you just do it? In the apparently unlikely event that you actually do succeed in producing a failed pump seal after all this time it's unlikely to be a sudden catastrophe, you should have warning enough to take remedial action.

Does anyone here disagree with this? Pipe up, if so, please do - if you think I'm being too optimistic please say so (and why).

All best


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