I am surprised if this is the first time they did this, but is was done by former officials. Maybe this war game was only an alibi, to be able to bring the issues out in the open. It would be enormously if the sitting administration have not done this frequently during the last 20 years and came up with the same conclusion every time. It cannot be possible that this is news.


At 06:25 AM 6/30/2005, you wrote:
 Outcome Grim at Oil War Game
 Former Officials Fail to Prevent Recession in Mock Energy Crisis
 By John Mintz
 Washington Post Staff WriterFriday,
 June 24, 2005; Page A19


 The United States would be all but powerless to protect the
 American economy in the face of a catastrophic disruption of
 oil markets, high-level participants in a war game concluded yesterday.

 The exercise, called "Oil Shockwave" and played out in a Washington
 hotel ballroom, had real-life former top U.S. officials taking on
 the role of members of the president's Cabinet convening to
 respond to escalating energy crises, culminating in
 $5.32-a-gallon gasoline and a world wobbling into recession.

 "The American people are going to pay a terrible price for
 not having had an energy strategy," said former CIA director
 Robert M. Gates, who took on the role of national security adviser.
 Stepping out of character, he added that "the scenarios portrayed
 were absolutely not alarmist; they're realistic."

 The exercise began with ethnic unrest in Nigeria, leading to
 the collapse of the oil industry in that west African nation.
 Then al Qaeda launched crippling attacks on key energy
 facilities in Valdez, Alaska, and Saudi Arabia.

 But the war game's participants -- including former CIA director
 R. James Woolsey, former Marine Corps commandant Gen. P.X. Kelley
 and former EPA administrator Carol Browner, soon realized the
 U.S. government had few options in the short term to
 prevent an economic crash in this country and worldwide.

 When the exercise's planners first met last year, oil was in
 the $40-a-barrel range. As they fantasized where oil prices
 would be for the war game's start in an imagined late 2005,
 they said, they set them at $58 but worried they were being
 absurdly pessimistic. Yesterday, the closing price for
 a barrel of oil was $59.42.

 The war game players also referred several times to other
 real-life events of today. A major feature of the exercise was
 how China's voracious appetite for oil is driving up world prices,
 and only yesterday it was announced the Beijing government, in a
 bold and unprecedented act, is bidding to buy the U.S. oil
 company Unocal.

 The exercise was organized by two nonprofit groups that focus on
 the national security implications of U.S. dependence on foreign oil:
 the National Commission on Energy Policy and
 Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE). The scenarios were
 dreamed up by a team of former oil industry executives and
 government officials, including Rand Beers, a White House
 counterterrorism official who quit in 2003 to protest the Iraq war.

 The underlying situation dramatized in the exercise -- and accepted
 by most energy analysts -- is that tolerances are so tight between
 supply and demand, that even small disruptions in the delivery of
 oil and natural gas can cause cascades of unpleasant developments.

 The war game contemplated that when oil prices spiked and the
 Cabinet met to consider its options, it realized it had
 almost no clout to influence events.

 The standard response, drawing on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
 was symbolic at best. The president should not give in to
 Saudi offers that the kingdom would lower prices if he
 stopped pressing for Saudi democracy, the participants agreed.
 Within weeks conditions were worsening -- the Valdez oil terminal
 was on fire, as was a major Saudi oil port, and Western technicians
 were being killed there.

 Foreign oil firms soon pulled tens of thousands of workers
 out of Saudi Arabia. Suddenly lacking technical expertise,
 Saudi facilities could no longer play their decades-long role
 of guaranteed "swing" provider of oil in response to disruptions
 elsewhere. As the global recession deepened, there was no
 "central banker" of oil to smooth out temporary dislocations.

 The participants concluded almost unanimously that they
 must press the president to invest quickly in promising technologies
 to reduce dependence on overseas oil, such as hybrid cars powered by
 gasoline and plug-in electricity; and cars that run on fuels
 derived from prairie grasses, animal waste and other products.
 They all agreed these projects would take years to yield any
 benefit but should not wait for the kind of crisis they were dramatizing.

 "If you want to put a frown on the face of [Saudi] Wahhabis,
 talk about 100-mile-per-gallon vehicles," Woolsey said.
 "We don't need a Manhattan Project to do it."

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