Actually I think Canada was hijacked long before Regan, it was Trudeau that did it.  He took a strong independent country and put in all kinds of extravegant government services.  He gave the people $1.31 worth of services for every $1 we paid in taxes.  This went on for 17 years, since Canada has no term limits.  A whole generation came to adulthood and had their kids under this kind of greed, so when it came time to pay the piper, well you know how the rest of the story goes.  If you are going to ask me where I got the figures, frankly I no longer remember the source.  It was researched thoroughly back in my college days.

As to what Canada has been up to for the last 13 years, I am just a visitor now and then.  I live in Texas and don't follow the Canadian news much.  I have had lots to learn living in a new country and learning how to create a sustainable farm.  I was a city girl, till Texas.  I do hear my kids and my family B*****  but I have no real knowledge of what is happening there anymore.

Bright Blessings,

At 03:59 PM 7/9/2005, you wrote:
hi, kim.  perhaps my understanding of the political trajectory is more limited than i give myself credit for, but i've kind of had the notion that canada's political process was hijacked in the same way as the u.s.' during the reagan era (though perhaps somewhat more discretely?).  thanks for the confirmation.
and perhaps i'm naive in this, but it does seem to me that canadian society hasn't sunk quite as low as down here south of the border.
all in all, you might call it "u.s.a. light"?  ;^,
-chris b.
-----Original Message-----
From: Garth & Kim Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:34:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

I don't disagree, but Canada does so much of the US's dirty work, that anyone who is knowledgeable is going to tar Canada with the same brush. Good examples of what I am saying is the software developed by Canada for electronic tracking of persons and words and the latest nonsense of not allowing delegates to the symposium on GE foods in Montreal. Canada is as much under the same control of the same multinationals as the US is. I am real tired of Canadians self righteous muck about the US, when they are in bed with Monsanto et al, just the same.
Bright Blessings,
A World citizen with a Canadian passport.
At 11:22 AM 7/8/2005, you wrote:
>Garth & Kim Travis wrote:
>>Canada has had terrorist attacks, from its own people. Remember the >>FLQ? They kidnapped the Prime Ministers best friend in an attempt to >>break Canada into 2 countries. The emergency measures act is fully equal >>to the patriot act. And yes, it has been implemented in my >>lifetime. Each country has its own problems, trying to say anyone is >>perfect is nonsense.
> That wasn't my point, Kim. You are correct that every nation has > its problems, but the FLQ was a domestic organization, just like the SLA > (remember them?) was a domestic organization. What I'm trying to > communicate, is that American foreign policy directly impacts the > attitudes people maintain toward the United States.
> Do you disagree?
>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
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