Hallo Todd,

Amen and well said brother.

Happy Happy,


Saturday, 09 July, 2005, 22:20:29, you wrote:

AE> Tim Brodie,

AE>  > I find it fascinating that virtually nothing has been said in this forum
AE>  > about London.  Lots of argument about what each person thinks
AE>  > their "unimpeachable" sources of information say.  Nothing about
AE>  > the current event that demonstrates the face of this evil, and the
AE>  > nature of the value systems that executed these actions.

AE> Why would you find it "fascinating?" People build bombs. People blow up 
AE> and never see their loved ones again. People get maimed, scarred and 
AE> disfigured for life and perhaps never look at anything in the same 
AE> fashion again, much less in a natural fashion.

AE> That's not fascinating. That's horror.

AE> Perhaps what is fascinating is the fact that the recipient nations 
AE> remain defiant in their industrial, colonial, imperial and military 
AE> endeavors, refusing to address the core of the problem, in turn giving 
AE> no cause for insurgents, terrorists or "freedom fighters" to back down 
AE> either.

AE> Think about this for a moment:

AE> In Iraq War #1, there were two quotes that while they echo in my daily 
AE> being seem to have been lost on 99.9% of the world's population. The 
AE> first was George Herbert Walker Bush stating that "This is about jobs, 
AE> American jobs."

AE> The second was George Schultz stating, "This is about preserving the 
AE> American lifestyle."

AE> Granted, Kuwait was invaded. Granted, Kuwait was slant drilling into 
AE> Iraqi oilfields. Granted, Iraq took no effort to resolve the issue 
AE> diplomatically.

AE> But take a look at the responses from American "leadership," - "jobs" 
AE> and "lifestyle" were the paramount justifications for war, not any moral 
AE> high ground, not any "points of light," just "jobs" and "the American 
AE> lifestyle."

AE> Now, tell me what has changed since then. Afghanistan being a house of 
AE> military bedlam for two plus decades, fueled by both the United States 
AE> and the USSR. Entire populations of similar mindsets in neighboring 
AE> nations fed up with "the American lifestyle" and how its manipulations 
AE> had, are and will continue to affect them if change is not brought 
AE> about. Individuals of limitted resources adamant that change must be 
AE> effected as soon as possible and with some justification at perhaps all 
AE> costs.

AE> What is fascinating and remarkable is that in the face of what many 
AE> perceive - in many respects correctly so - to be international 
AE> oppression, starvation, exploitation and strangulation, no one addresses 
AE> the role that imperialistic powers play in lighting the fuses that lead 
AE> to events such as London. They certainly didn't address the same issues 
AE> on September 12th, 2002. They haven't discussed their own role since then.

AE> Personally? Were I of Arab descent? I'd be mad as hell. And knowing how 
AE> easily it is for humans to be impatient and act or react rather than 
AE> wait for a slow, bureaucratic, greedy internatiionally intwined monster 
AE> to even begin to deliberate what it might destroy or compromise with its 
AE> next bite, it's not a far reach to understand where the underpinnings of 
AE> all this originate from.

AE> That's what is fascinating. The denial, avoidance and betrayal of the 
AE> core issues by national governments, all more interested in their 
AE> "lifestyle" than the betterment and peace of the rest of the globe's 
AE> peoples.

AE> So why talk about London and "evil" of type you imply when the evil at 
AE> the core remains unaddressed, much less resolved?

AE> I think that "evil at the core" is what is being addressed here. The 
AE> bombs, bloodletting, shortened lives and lost futures is what we'd all 
AE> like to prevent, even if it seems to be so simple as "de-evolving" and 
AE> choosing alternative and softer paths..

AE> Unfortunately, cowboys and assholes in "power" (not!) would rather 
AE> preserve American and western "lifestyles" as they have derisively 
AE> become to be known.

AE> I believe we're all in for a bit of a shock if such mindlessness is 
AE> permitted to prevail. And we haven't seen anything yet if we don't 
AE> change our direction and goals as a country.

AE> Todd Swearingen
Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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