Thanks for the link Keith. I am prototyping a carousel or as they called it "Merry-Go-Round"
It isn't clear to me how they operated the shutters in figures 4 and 5. Figure 35 is a type of phoenician windmill except the Phoenicians used a stone wall and thus only one wind direction was accomodated. Figure 2 is a variant on that but not built by the Phoenicians to the best of my knowledge. It has loss due to the returning sail being open but that also gives simplicity.
Mine doesn't use shutters as I want a design that is the absolute simplest. I am using "bedsheets" essentially although any flexible "sail would do -- animal hide, whatever.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The Homemade Windmills of Nebraska

An online reprint of the original 1899 book on homemade windmills and
their applications.

"The wind should be looked upon as a natural resource just as worthy
of development as other natural resources. If we can derive our
energy from the wind, why is it not as good as to get it from coal?"
In the 1890's a good windmill could supply running water in the rural
home and much-needed water for irrigation and livestock. Regardless
of any vulnerabilities in our electrical grid, the wind will always
be with us, and the information in this booklet is as valuable today
as it was more than a hundred years ago. As the author, Mr. Barbour
put it, " is the windmill which makes it possible for the
resident of the town, or the farm and ranch to enjoy one of the
luxuries and conveniences of the city home. Such water service is
cheap and satisfactory."

For that reason we feel it is important that this information be
preserved and passed along, and we are glad to reproduce the entire
text and all illustrations of this important booklet here. - New
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