hi keith.

no i didn't follow your link, but i'm already pretty familiar with health 
problems that have been linked to high fructose intake.  so, no dis. :)  still, 
do think that the wording of that paragraph was. . .ill-considered.  she 
simplistically (and somewhat inaccurately in terms of chronology, as you 
out) associated hfcs with increasaed obesity, by ommitting any reference to the 
deterioration of nutritional and exercise habits as a whole.  for example the 
fact that refined sugars constitute an increasing proportion of the average 
diet while exercise is diminishing.  this language does carry the suggestion 
that those other factors are less important, perhaps even irrelevant.

on the subject of the codex decision, a google search returned quite a number 
of links.  i found that dr. dean's piece was fairly in accord with a number 
of other sources insofar as potential consequences of recent developments.  
clearly, the outcome of the rome meeting is not encouraging, and clearly we 
should all be concerned and raise our voices.  

after your reply to my post, i took another look at the 'kiss your health 
goodbye!' piece to re-examine my interpretation.  in light of what i read from 
other sources, all of which were also opposed to the rome decision, i was even 
more struck by dr. dean's tone.  she paints a big brother-type picture which is 
not the reality.  at least not yet.  there is still a ways to go, and other 
avenues to pursue besides attempting to influence the deliberations of codex; 
who, and fao (e.g. see 

my reading also only reinforced the jingoistic impression i got the first 
time.  if you like, i can break down her language point by point, but it's late 
and i can't go into that length at the moment.  i will say, though, that she 
repeatedly mentions the role of germans, germany, and the eu in the process, as 
though they were synonymous with the real motive force, the pharmaceutical 
giants.  at the same time she glosses over the fact that the codex commission, 
which consists of 85 member nations *including* the u.s. and canada, voted 
*unanimously* to adopt the guidelines.

nevertheless, these are potentially serious developments.  it's important to 
spread the word, and i can't accuse dr. dean of not doing that.  after all, 
i'm now aware of it when 24 hours ago i wasn't.  :)

-chris b.

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