Joe Street wrote:
Yes but this is difficult and expensive oil. The energy budget for its production is not pretty. The facilities for sure do exist to process it but I understand that production rates currently vary directly with the market price of crude. Canada is sitting on the proverbial gold mine and when the production shortfalls really hit in Saudi Arabia then and only then will we see a serious and large scale effort to extract these reserves as they will be profitable and the market will have little choice but to bear the cost at that time. How will our neighbors treat us then I wonder?

One provision of NAFTA requires Canada to supply energy to the United States, even if that means shorting Canadian consumption. I had a client who designed the facilities that extract shale oil, and he told me that investment in this technology is booming right now. Demand for oil from shale is expected to increase tremendously in the near term.

I have heard many people complain that extracting oil from shale is a messy business, and I'm glad I don't live in Alberta!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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