(big snip)

further evidenced by your portrayal of the john bolton nomination. 'filibuster' is a blatant misrepresentation of what actually occured. there was no filibuster at all. there were a majority of voices which wanted to proceed very deliberately, including certain influential republican senators. it was not the senate which unduly delayed the process, and it is absolutely not a forgone conclusion that 'the vote would have been yea'. the delay was a product of the white house stonewalling and dragging its feet when asked to produce documents requested for the nomination hearings.

thus, the white house got their way: the senate was not able to conclude the hearings before the recess, which enabled bush to make the recess appointment. which means they have the man they want for six months before they have to bring him before the senate again.

actually he is there till the next congress convenes, which means January 2007, about a year and a half away.

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman

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