I just watched a movie called The Yes Men and was shocked at how much they were able to infiltrate the WTO and even more shocked to see the scene at the end of the film of a member of my own country's parliament quoting some of thier disinformation which is designed to combat the unhealthy direction that globalisation is taking us in. They have a website http://www.theyesmen.org/ you can check it out. They encourage others to join thier ranks. Or should I say pranks.....


Democratizing the Global Economy, website* <http://ga4.org/ct/Xp1KITK1bXfX/>http://www.globalexchange.org/campaig ns/. Offers an "Easy Introduction to the Global Economy" that explores the role of economics, corporate globalization, labor and corporate accountability. Presents targeted campaigns to reform global trade rules, hold corporations accountable for environmental damages, build strong and free labor, and promote fair and environmentally sustainable alternatives. Contact Global Exchange, 2017 Mission Street, #303, San Francisco, CA 94110; phone (415) 255-7296; fax (415) 255-7498; website <http://ga4.org/ct/X71KITK1bXfB/>http://www.globalexchange.org/.

Democratizing the Global Economy

Citizens can and should play an active role in shaping the future of our global economy. Currently, the rules of the global economy are written by institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. These institutions have written global policy with input mainly from multinational corporations and very little input from citizens.

Here are some of the ways in which we can work together to reform global trade rules, demand that corporations are accountable to people's needs, build strong and free labor and promote fair and environmentally sustainable alternatives. Our various campaigns seek to build alternatives to the economic status quo by linking global analysis with local action. Please help us spread the message that the current system does not have to be tolerated--we can and must change it!

    An Easy Introduction to the Global Economy
The first step in becoming active on global economic issues is understanding how the global economy works. Who are the players, how do they make decisions, who benefits, and who suffers. Here's your basic guide!

    The Undemocratic Institutions that Run the Global Economy
The World Trade Organization is the most powerful governing body on the planet-yet it is designed to benefit corporations while ignoring the needs of communities and the environment.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. gives corporations rights at the expense of democracy in all three countries - and has caused job loss and environmental destruction in all three countries.
The Free Trade Area of the Americas. Negotiations are underway to expand the disastrous NAFTA model by creating a "free trade" zone from Argentina to Alaska. But citizens across the hemisphere are uniting to stop this corporate juggernaut.
The Central American Free Trade Agreement would expand the failed NAFTA model to Central America. Find out how you can stop CAFTA from becoming a stepping stone to the FTAA.
World Bank and the IMF
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund are the world's biggest financial lenders, masked as development organizations. Problem is, they are also the world's biggest loan sharks, keeping poor countries impoverished while helping multinational corporations exploit nations' natural resources.

    Why is Corporate Globalization Bad? Ask a Sweatshop Worker.
Anti-Sweatshop Campaign
One of the worst effects of corporate globalization is that it causes a race-to-the-bottom on wages and working conditions around the world. Find out more about the national effort to ensure that the clothes, uniforms, and other garments are not made in sweatshops.
International Right to Know
When corporations operate in the US, they have to disclose basic information about their operations, including labor and environmental issues. But when they locate overseas, a veil of secrecy surrounds their actions.

    Working Together, We Can Build an Alternative Global Economy
Fair Trade
If you don't buy Nike and Gap, what should you buy? Fair Trade offers a workable solution to the sweatshop crisis, giving consumers a guarantee that the products they enjoy were not made in abusive conditions.
Green Festivals
Green Festivals bring together the many pieces of growing green and fair economy. This year's events are in Austin Oct. 11-12 and San Francisco Nov. 8-9, 2005.

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