Clif Caldwell wrote:

> Point taken ....
> Whether or not I trust Pat Robertson has nothing to do with my reticence 
> to question his relationship with his creator. Unfortunately I failed 
> "Deity 101" in school and therefore am unlikely to ever assume that role.

        They offer that class somewhere?  : - )

> Thanks for the input.

        You're welcome.  I've been around here for a LONG time now, so if I 
seem strident it's only because we've dealt with the "wolf in sheep's 
clothing" type of warmongering "Christian" perspective many times in 
the past.  It is fundamentally no different than the Muslim variety of 
extremism, and fundamentally non-Christian.

> With humbled and "no hard feelings" regards,

        Perhaps you are more comfortable in extending grace to others than I. 
  Somehow, I hope you will find a kind of home here.  The biofuels 
list represents a very diverse cross section of people, and I have a 
tendency to draw conclusions about another person's intent faster than 
I should.  I sense in this case that I have misjudged you.  I regret 
this and ask your forgiveness.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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