Message: 8
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 16:01:50 -0500
From: "John Mullan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] biodiesel from plastic

But what are you going to burn to attain "high enough temperatures" to
break down the plastics so you can get more fuel to process more

Well, this borders on "over unity", (which it is not), and is mostly
theoretical in nature, but I have seen it almost work.
Imagine a piece of paper (or plastic) burning.  Now, this give off
enough energy to 1) emit light 2) emit heat  3) emit enough energy to
heat a portion next to the flame enough to vaporize and  4) ignite to
continue burning. 

Now, imagine, taking the constituents out into separate paths, use the
gas and some oil for a heat source, continue processing.  In theory,
there is enough energy to heat the plastic and vaporize (but not burn).
Instead of burning the gas you re-introduce it to burn externally and
give its heat to the process.  Thermal Depolymerization or Pyrolisis, is
being used, or at least experimented with.  It works for not only
plastics but also rubbers, tires, manures, coal, and other carbonatious
materials such as 'turkey guts'.  Some have greater energy output than


On 8/28/2005, "Andy Karpay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If my memory serves me right, "biodiesel from plastic" is neither "bio"
>nor "diesel"  The petroleum products from the feedstock (oil) in
>plastics can be reclaimed by heating in an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
>High enough temperatures will break the plastics down to a liquid and
>then gas.  The gas is collected and has the approximate btu content of
>methane (perhaps more).  Some will coalesce, or condense into an oily
>substance.  I suppose this substance can be refined to act like a
>fuel.  It has many btu's in it too.

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