I'm not complaining per se. It got me thinking that they might push the 
cost of petroleum diesel ever higher, and and increase the usage of 
higher blends and pure biodiesel.

Appal Energy wrote:

>I wouldn't go so far as to call the hurricane a disaster. It is what it 
>is, a hurricane. It's the human component that propigates tones of 
>"disaster." Dispense with the humans and wallah! No disaster. Just a 
>hurricane and the rejuvination cycle that follows.
>As for the petroleum industry profiteering from a natural event? Why is 
>anyone complaining? At least on this list?
>People with a bent towards renewables, efficiency and conservation have 
>been begging for higher fuel prices for decades in order to stimulate 
>more activity in the progressive energy sector. Now that we're getting 
>what is needed, do you really believe that it's right to complain?
>Todd Swearingen
>A firm proponent of "Intelligent De-evolution."
>Stan wrote:
>>I've been watching the progress of the storm. 175mph winds, going 
>>dead-on for New Orleans... And I can't help but feel that the oil 
>>industry will use this horrible disaster as a change to weasel 
>>themselves more money.
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