Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Fast-Track Approval and a Slow Withdrawal

  Diabetes drug stayed on the market a year after being listed among 
the most risky.

By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

     Soon after Warner-Lambert Co. submitted the diabetes drug 
Rezulin for FDA review in the summer of 1996, the medical officer 
assigned to examine it began finding problems. Dr. John L. Gueriguian 
cited Rezulin's potential to harm the liver and the heart. He 
questioned its viability in lowering blood sugar for patients with 
adult-onset diabetes.

Rezulin: Diabetes Drug in Question     Gueriguian was stripped of the 
assignment in November 1996 after Warner-Lambert complained that he 
used intemperate language while discussing the drug. His medical 
review--recommending against approving Rezulin--was purged from 
agency files and withheld from an FDA advisory committee.
     Officials completed the review of Rezulin within six months and 
approved it in January 1997. Warner-Lambert's chief executive told 
investors he foresaw a "billion-dollar blockbuster."
     By fall 1997, dozens of patients on Rezulin had been 
hospitalized and a handful of cases of sudden liver failure had been 
reported to the FDA.
     Those first cases prompted the removal of Rezulin from the 
market in Britain on Dec. 1, 1997--sparking an 18% drop in 
Warner-Lambert's stock on the New York Stock Exchange. But senior FDA 
officials stood behind Rezulin by embracing a series of incremental 
labeling changes.
     Two changes came in late 1997 and a third came in July 1998. 
Each change recommended the monitoring of patients' liver functions 
as a means of safeguarding against organ failure.
     In March 1999, a senior FDA epidemiologist, Dr. David J. Graham, 
warned that Rezulin was among the most dangerous drugs on the 
American market. He said that patient monitoring would not protect 
them from liver failure. Indeed, three patients who were monitored 
monthly in controlled studies, including one by the National 
Institutes of Health, suffered liver failure and died.
     "The death of the patient . . . in [the] NIH study in May 1998 
provided strong evidence that Rezulin could not be used safely," Dr. 
Robert I. Misbin, an FDA medical officer, wrote in a July 3, 2000, 
letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

     Rezulin had not been proved to save lives or to reduce the 
serious complications of adult-onset diabetes. A fourth label change 
was implemented in June 1999. But deaths and hospitalizations 
     The FDA announced on March 21 that Rezulin would be pulled from 
the market. By that time, the agency had tied 63 liver failure deaths 
to the drug. Reports filed with the agency through June 30 cited 
Rezulin as a suspect in a total of 391 deaths.
     Officials have never estimated how many Rezulin patients died of 
heart-related complications. As a condition of approval, the FDA had 
requested that Warner-Lambert perform a study of the drug's effect in 
heart-failure patients; the study was never completed.
     Before and after the withdrawal, FDA officials overstated 
Rezulin's scientifically proved benefits. For instance, agency 
ombudsman James Morrison wrote in June that Rezulin "has been shown 
to reduce or delay long-term, serious effects of diabetes, including 
death." Asked the basis for this claim, FDA spokesman Laurence 
Bachorik said the comments "were not intended as definitive 
scientific observations."
     Six specialists who were involved in Rezulin's approval recently 
questioned why the drug was given a fast-track review. A "Lessons 
Learned" report posted in November on the agency's Web site said: "A 
final major concern of the subjects interviewed . . . was the lack of 
adequate time to review the application."
     Woodcock said agency specialists had hoped Rezulin would offer 
"significant improvement" over the nine or more existing treatments 
for adult-onset diabetes. As for the decisions that kept Rezulin on 
the market, Woodcock said she wanted first to see if two newer drugs 
approved in 1999 were less toxic to the liver. Gueriguian said 
Rezulin is an example of how senior FDA officials relied on a 
company's hopes at the expense of public health.
     "It really doesn't matter if it was incompetence or dishonesty," 
he said. "The result is the same: People died unnecessarily."
     Rezulin generated sales totaling $2.1 billion for Warner-Lambert 
in its three years on the U.S. market.

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