virgil sentel wrote:

>I'm a newbie here and I live in Ozark, Al. (near Dothan). I'm getting ready
>to make a test batc soon & was wondering if there was anyone living in the
>L.A. (lower Alabama) area who could mentor (guide) me through this when I
>start to make the processors. Also I was told today by a friend that races
>that methanol is only avalible localy in 55 gal. drums. He can get me a gal
>to start for 25.00 is this agood price? any elp here would be appreciated.
If a gallon of methanol will make 5 gallons of biodiesel, and you've 
paid $25.00 for your gallon of methanol, then, not including the cost of 
the sodium hydroxide, and any electricity you use, and the cost of your 
time, you'll essentially be paying $5.00 for each gallon of Biodiesel.  
Nope, doesn't sound like a good price.

doug swanson

All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

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