>The Minotaur?

MISTer Weaver! This is an unminotaured list, IF you please! And long 
may it remain so.

>Kirk McLoren wrote:
> > Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in Crete.
> > My uncle visited there once.>
> > --Kirk
> >
> > */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> >
> >     Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset about that little "youthful
> >     indiscetion" I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?

Just as long as you didn't inhale.

> >     Mike of Knossos

You're not going to put that on your campaign posters are you? Is it in Texas?

Anyway, you're welcome, I'm glad you're happy there.


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