Hi Robert:

    I've used red clover as a cover crop in the fall.  It doesn't grow too
much, fixes a little nitrogen, and is relatively easy to turn over in the
spring.  I have not tried using clover for an entire growing season but I
don't see why it wouldn't work.  The red clover was suggested by my
father-in-law who has a cash crop / dairy operation in eastern Ontario.
    As for gardening methods, I became a convert to the "square foot" method
about 10 years ago.  There was a television series on PBS that piqued my
interest so I purchased the companion book, "Square Foot Gardening," by Mel
Bartholomew (ISBN:0-87857-341-0 paperback version).
    With a little careful planning, I've found that our basic 10 foot by 25
foot vegetable plot is more than enough for my wife and I as well a few
treats for the neighbours.  No chemicals, easy access for weeding and great
yields.  Here's a typical example.  This year I grew a supersweet variety of
corn the yield was 22 cobs from a 4 foot square plot which contained 16
plants.  I applied compost as suggested in the book and a teaspoon of blood
meal in the spring when the plants were about 20cm tall.

    Hope this helps,

        Doug Turner
        in zone 6

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Getting Ready for Winter

> pile, I will collect a few more truck loads of barn litter, then
> rototill the garden plot for the winter.  Does anyone have a
> suggestion for a "cover crop"?  I'd like to keep the weeds down, and
> something that fixes nitrogen (especially where we had our corn

> I've found that my garden is a lot of work, but at my age that
> doesn't really hurt me.  My eldest son is not in school right now

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