A fascinating and erudite article on combustion.

According to Biodiesel.org, available studies show that diesels
running on biodiesel produce 75% to 85% less PAHs than diesels running
on petrodiesel. This information is supported in much more technical
terms in a study published on the Journey to Forever website-


On an undieselish note, I believe that the comparison of
metabolization of glucose to combustion is a loose anology at best.
Our bodies utilize a complex, seventy+ step process known as the Krebs
cycle to break the chemical bonds of glucose and use the energy thus
released to attach a phosphate molecule to adenosine diphosphate,
making adenosine triphosphate or ATP which then fuels our biological
activity. My college biology instructor claimed that the role of
oxygen in this process was more to act as transport agent to remove
carbon from the body in the form of CO2 rather than to combust in the
way that the term is commonly understood. Not being a biochemist, this
simplistic overview exhausts the limits of my knowledge on the
subject, but I feel fairly confident in saying that the Krebs cycle is
both different in character and much more elaborate that what goes on
in a match flame. In a match flame, energy is released in the form of
heat and light. In the Krebs cycle, energy is not released so much as
transferred to an ATP molecule in order to store energy for later use
by the cells. Granted, both processes involve the oxidization of the

The Krebs cycle is near and dear to me. It was, according to my dear
wife, my helping her understand the Krebs cycle for an upcoming
college exam despite the fact that I was fairly well under the
influence that won her heart on our first date.



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