Appal Energy wrote:

> Oh, I don't know about that Robert.
> So, we have the "tough love" Jesus who would assassinate national 
> leaders, torture unknown "enemies" and drop bombs on entire civilian 
> populations in order to bring them closer to .... no, not god..., 
> westernized democracy.        

        That alone should be enough to convince you and anyone who is serious 
that people who advocate such actions are NOT Christians.  It's 
similar to being pregnant, in that Christianity is an "either / or" 
proposition.  Follow Christ, or follow the world.  You can tell who 
these people are following by their deeds and attitudes.

> Then we have the historical Jesus who would let each individual's heart 
> convict him or herself.

> As both are worlds apart, they either must be two separate deities or 
> Jesus was a schizophrenic who managed to pull the wool over everyone's 
> eyes for the past two millenia
> But that latter possibility can't really be considered in all honesty, 
> now can it? (?ti nac rO)
> Support of the former premise comes from the Jerry Falwells, Pat 
> Robertsons, James Dobsons and George Bushs of the world who were 
> obviously granted their authority by God. But when the dots are 
> connected amongst these gurus, it becomes pretty obvious that their god 
> or their Jesus isn't the one out of the New King James version.

        Here's a possibility that you haven't considered:  The leaders you've 
outlined above are controlled by satanic forces using the cloak of 
religion to deceive their followers.  This kind of thing has been 
going on as long as religion has existed!  Jesus himself had pretty 
harsh words for hypocrites like them.

> Given the common belief that God makes no mistakes and inevitably cannot 
> be wrong, then their god surely must exist because he or she put them in 
> these positions of power - surely to do his or her  work. And given that 
> everyone already knows that a god of compassion has been in existence 
> since time began, the logical conclusion is that there must be two gods 
> - their god and everyone else's.
> So let's be honest Robert. Since we all know that God is "in control," 
> then let's stop trying to find excuses and assessing blame against what 
> some would like to call conniving, manipulative, deceiving humans under 
> the spell of evil powers for what is obviously the work of at least one 
> of two gods.

        I think we are agreeing on the same thing from two differing 
perspectives, Todd.  (This is often the case between you and I.)  I 
don't excuse the nefarious behavior of pseudo-Christians--people who 
claim God's name yet deny his transforming power--it disgusts me as 
much as it does you.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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