Darn.  I thought I really had something going with that cute lil 
sweetpea plant.

dermot wrote:

>Hi Marilyn,
>The book you mention, "The Secret Life of Plants" by Peter Thomkins and
>Christopher Bird, was a bestseller over 20 years ago. It made all sorts
>of outlandish claims which were based on the "scientific" work of a
>"Dr." Cleve Backster. It turns out that Backster was not in fact a
>scientist but a polygraph technician. Is that ironic or what?
>Unfortunately the scientific evidence didn't stand up to scrutiny as
>nobody else was able to replicate the results.
>Quite a few books were published debunking the original book but they
>were not bestsellers.The truth is pretty boring I'm afraid. Just google
>"The Secret Life of Plants and debunk" and you'll see what I mean.
>>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org wrote:
>>Hi Andres,
>>You raised an interesting point below (on 3rd Oct, sorry for late 
>>reply)about my assertion that there is currently no reliable 
>>evidence to suggest that plants feel pain.
>>"I say wait a while, we'll find they do. Science advances slowly, 
>>with many stumbles along the road, and many dead ends as well." 
>>I'm not saying the following is true, but someone told me about a 
>>book on the subject of plant "pain" called "The Secret Life of 
>>Plants" This book and other articles on plants tell of experiments 
>>that attached to laboratory plants a technology of the type used in 
>>lie detectors that is extremely sensitive to the tiniest movement. 
>>When a person burned the plant or harmed it in other ways it 
>>recoiled strongly. Later when that person would enter the room the 
>>plants would react the same way, but not to other people. Also, they 
>>attached these devices to people's plants in their homes and the 
>>people wrote down their feelings all day and noted the time. At the 
>>end of each day they compared the recorded feelings with the plant 
>>reactions recorded on the technology. They were amazed to see that 
>>plant movement aligned with certain emotions, even when the people 
>>were on a long trip.
>>Google brings up over 87,000 sites on this topic if you want to hear 
>>from someone who knows something about this. I only know what I was 
>>told by a friend.
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