>Hi Isabel
>I heard today that castor beans are an excellent source of biodiesel. Does
>anyone know if this is true?


biofuel - Search results for 'castor'
255 matches


"Brasil is going ahead with  great biodiesel  project  in large scale 
production   such  as  40000 l/day  using  peanut oil  in cane 
growing areas in south,  medium scale plants palm oil  in Amazonian 
areas .Medium scale prodution using castor oil in North east 
underdeveloped area in Brasil , mostly  by  federal and state 
The federal goverments Petrobras  is  going to install  big scale 
plant based on castor plants  that wiil be  grown on  treated  waste 
water from petroleium production based on caster seeds in dry 
semiarid areas with less developed area with  large poor people ." - 
Pannirselvam, 6 Aug 04

>... The B2 fuel that the government will authorise in November will require an
> additional 150,000 hectares of oilseeds, which will generate a source of
> income for 30,000 families of small farmers, said Minister of Agrarian
> Development Miguel Rossetto.
> Biodiesel is leading to the promotion of the cultivation of castor beans and
> other crops in semiarid lands in the northeast, Brazil's poorest region.
> Projects involving family farms in small rural communities are 
>spreading in the
> region, opening up possibilities of reducing poverty and curbing the rural
> exodus to urban slums.
> The Brazilian Company of Agricultural Research (EMBRAPA), a government
> network of 40 research centres, has carried out studies to help promote the
> expansion of castor bean cultivation.
> Biodiesel based on castor oil will not only serve as fuel, but will 
>also be used
> to generate electricity in isolated rural communities, at least in the
> northeastern state of CearĂ¡. (END/2004)

Sep 1, 2004

Etc etc etc.

Still ain't no "best crop". And like jatropha you casn't use the 
seedcake as feed.


>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org wrote:
>Note: Forwarded Email Message Below:
>Hi Keith
>It seems as if you don't think it is a good idea to use Jatropha as a source
>to produce bio diesel from?



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