"Public schools were run by the Catholic Church in Newfoundland and
Labrador for many years, and the world did not end."
The Catholic church is one of the least tolerant of organized religions. I should know. While planning my wedding, my fiance's priest told me that I (having been baptized and confirmed in a protestant church) have to go through a nine month process with a tribunal where I'm required to undergo a psychological evaluation because I'm divorced (and not Catholic).
The tribunal is composed mainly of priests - priests who feel they are an authority on morality, marriage, where and when to have sexual relations, whether or not you are competent to have a family and the status of one's mental health. How can I be more explicit except to say, who the f**k are they to guide me, my family or my children through a life filled with their rules. It's too bad that the leaders of the churches I visited are often not a reflection of their more benevolent parishes.
So, excuse me if I strongly appose any opinion which is apologetic toward incorporating church and State. I'm having NONE of it!

robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael Redler wrote:

> I went to the link.
> One sentence stood out among the others:
> "The province of Ontario has authorized the use of sharia law in civil
> arbitrations, if both parties consent."
> That's pretty scary stuff. I reminds me of towns in the US trying to
> push religion in science class (i.e. creative design).

Canadians seem WAY less worried about mingling church and state than
we Americans. When I first moved up here, I was APALLED to learn that
private, parochial schools were accepting money from the provincial
government. Canadians would look at me askance and respond: "But
we're paying taxes. Why SHOULDN'T our money go into private schools?"

Public schools were run by the Catholic Church in Newfoundland and
Labrador for many years, and the world did not end.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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