I did not write the text you quoted.  Bjorn Carey did.

I have also read that many of the flex-fuel vehicles sold in the U.S. 
were not marketed as such, and their owners may well not be aware of the 
capability.  (The reason for building the vehicles is to benefit from 
the renewable/dual fuel bonus in current CAFE rules in the U.S.)

Yes, it is possible to find out if specific vehicles are flex-fuel 
(ethanol E85) capable.

You can check the fuel filler door for relevant labelling.
You can contact the manufacturer to find out if a specific model is 
E85-compatible.  Most of the automakers provide this via their websites.

Or you can try these links:

I'm not aware of after-market E85 conversion kits, but it's not 
something I have researched.  I was under the impression that high 
levels of ethanol could react with certain metals in the engines leading 
to maintenance problems.  It would not surprise me that the difference 
in building an E85-capable engine would cost only $100 more than the 
regular version in the manufacturing process.  However, as a retrofit, 
that wouldn't cover 2 hours of shop time, let alone any parts.


Thomas Kelly wrote:
> Darryl,
>       I'm looking into the feasibility of fermenting and distilling fuel 
> grade ethanol. I've contacted the National (U.S.) Revenue Center, and have 
> received the pertinent Federal regs as well as an application to distill 
> ethanol.
>       You wrote:
> "In the United States, some 5 million of the cars and trucks on the road are 
> "flex-fuel," meaning that they can run either on traditional gasoline or 
> E85, a mix of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline."
>      I've been told that many of the cars on the road are able to run on 
> ethanol and the drivers don't know it. If so, is it possible to find out if 
> a particular car is ethanol able?
> "Converting an automobile to run on flex-fuel costs about $100."
>     Any gasoline car can be converted to flex?
>                                  Thanks,
>                                         Tom
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Darryl McMahon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:22 AM
> Subject: [Biofuel] Daniel Kammen on Ethanol
> It's enough to drive Patzek and Pimental to drink:
> the drink you can drive does have a positive EROEI.
>  From
> ====================================================================
> Ethanol Fuel More Advantageous Than Thought
> Bjorn Carey
> LiveScience Staff Writer
> Thu Jan 26, 3:00 PM ET
> Producing a gallon of ethanol gas from corn requires 95 percent less
> petroleum than producing a gallon from fossil fuels, a new study finds.
> This method might also slightly reduce the production of greenhouse
> gases that speed up global warming, but the results on that point are
> not certain.
> "It is better to use various inputs to grow corn and make ethanol and
> use that in your cars than it is to use the gasoline and fossil fuels
> directly," said Daniel Kammen of the University of California, Berkeley.
> Ethanol could be even more energy efficient and 95 percent free of
> greenhouse gas emissions, Kammen said, if produced from woody plants
> instead of corn.
> The study is detailed in the Jan. 27 issue of the journal Science.
> Booze it up
> Ethanol is produced by bacteria that ferment and break down carbohydrate
> sugars, such as the starch from corn. Humans have been fine-tuning this
> process for thousands of years, although mainly to brew alcoholic beverages.
> The study refined results from several previous studies by comparing the
> total energy that goes into making ethanol gas from corn, such as
> harvesting and refining, and comparing it to the energy needed to
> produce gasoline from fossil fuels. Kammen's team looked into levels of
> greenhouse gases produced by both the production and the use of each fuel.
> They found inconsistencies and errors in the previous work, which had
> suggested ethanol gas might not be beneficial.
> After correcting the errors—which ranged from incorrect unit conversions
> to reliance on data from outdated methods more than a century old—the
> researchers arrived at a very different conclusion: not only does
> corn-based ethanol gas reduce petroleum use by 95 percent, it also
> reduces greenhouse gas emissions about 13 percent, although that
> decrease is within a range of uncertainty for the imprecise data involved.
> "Making ethanol from corn is a good thing if you want to offset fossil
> fuels from overseas," Kammen told LiveScience. "On the greenhouse gas
> side of things, it is not clear if corn, as grown today, is a good
> thing. We just don't know yet, but it appears to be a mildly good thing."
> A woody solution?
> While corn-based ethanol is an improvement over gasoline, ethanol from
> woody, fibrous plants would pack even more energy. Willow trees, switch
> grass, farm waste and specially grown crops are all feasible sources.
> The main energy components of these plants are cellulose and lignin,
> which produce more energy per unit—in the form of breaking hydrogen
> bonds—than the starches from corn.
> "It looks to be that you can get just about twice the amount of energy
> by going the cellulose route, and greenhouse emissions are very small,"
> Kammen said.
> Assuming replant rates equal harvests, there is a 95 percent emission
> reduction from producing cellulosic ethanol over gasoline production in
> all three production phases—farming, refining, and use.
> However, the real benefits of ethanol gas are not yet fully known,
> Kammen said, and the advantages could be even greater.
> Wheels in motion
> In the United States, some 5 million of the cars and trucks on the road
> are "flex-fuel," meaning that they can run either on traditional
> gasoline or E85, a mix of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline.
> Converting an automobile to run on flex-fuel costs about $100.
> "This is actually one of the cheapest possible transitions you can
> make," Kammen said. "It cuts the cost of fuel by half at the pump."
> However, there are very few pumps offering ethanol fuel. Despite the
> number of flex-fuel automobiles—California boasts more flex-fuel than
> diesel vehicles—ethanol-blended fuel accounted for only 2 percent of all
> fuel sold in the United States in 2004.
> While it doesn't yet make sense to convert the entire economy to
> corn-based ethanol, Kammen said, improved methods for processing corn or
> using other ethanol-rich materials could drive such a change.
> "The people who are saying ethanol is bad are just plain wrong," Kammen
> said.
> Brazil has converted nearly all its cars and gas pumps to run on a 96
> percent ethanol fuel produced from sugarcane. Brazilians have already
> seen the benefits of sugarcane fuel—not only is it cleaner burning, but
> since it is produced within the country, it is half the price of
> imported gasoline.
> Kammen and his colleagues have made the previous studies, as well as
> their new model and data, available on the UC Berkeley Renewable and
> Appropriate Energy Laboratory website:
> Tailpipe Test: Study Finds Worst Polluters
> Experimental Hybrid Cars Get Up to 250 Mpg
> Longer Airline Flights Proposed to Combat Global Warming
> Dire Future if Fossil Fuel Use Not Curbed, Scientists Say
> Waste Not: Energy from Garbage and Sewage
> In a Twist, Forest Products Viewed as Green Energy
> 'Green' Car Sets Speed Record

Darryl McMahon        
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

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