Andres Secco wrote:
> Dear all,
> Magnets are being offered through spam e-mail and its has been so since 
> early '90 ties.
> The professional use of magnets is very wide. My experience in industrial 
> cooling towers, boilers and engines is very possitive and in some cases have 
> it documented.
> How it works? This is the link

Yes indeed.  Pasted from the page:

/ Fuel mainly consists of hydrocarbons. Groupings of hydrocarbons, when 
flowing through a magnetic field, change their orientations of 
magnetization in a direction opposite to that of the magnetic field. The 
molecules of hydrocarbon change their configuration. At the same time 
intermolecular force is considerably reduced or depressed. These 
mechanisms are believed to help to disperse oil particles and to become 
finely divided. In addition, hydrogen ions in fuel and oxygen ions in 
air or steam are magnetized to form magnetic domains which are believed 
to assist in atomizing fuel into finer particles. /

/     Generally a liquid or gas fuel used for an internal combustion 
engine is composed of a set of molecules. Each molecule includes a 
number of atoms, which is composed of a nucleus and electrons orbiting 
around their nucleus. The molecules have magnetic moments in themselves, 
and the rotating electrons cause magnetic phenomena. Thus, positive (+) 
and negative (-) electric charges exists in the fuel's molecules. For 
this reason, the fuel particles of the negative and positive electric 
charges are not split into more minute particles. Accordingly, the fuels 
are not actively interlocked with oxygen during combustion, thereby 
causing incomplete combustion. To improve the above, the fuels have been 
required to be decomposed and ionized. The ionization of the fuel 
particles is accomplished by the supply of magnetic force from a magnet. /

/    The resultant conditioned fuel/air mixture magnetized in opposite 
polarities burns more completely, producing higher engine output, better 
fuel economy, more power and most importantly reduces the amount of 
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen in the exhaust. 
Another benefits if these devices is that magnetically charged fuel and 
air molecules with opposite polarities dissolve carbon build-up in 
carburetor jets, fuel injectors, and combustion chambers help to clean 
up the engine and maintain the clean condition. /

Jeez, doesn't this set off any snake-oil alarm?

"/For this reason, the fuel particles of the negative and positive 
electric charges are not split into more minute particles."


//Accordingly, the fuels are not actively interlocked with oxygen during 
combustion, thereby causing incomplete combustion./

If this is a scientific analysis some of my teachers are going to be 
eating their textbooks.
> There are many suppliers of those small devices for passenger cars and at 
> lower prices os 20 bucks, but the real magnets cost much more than thant.
> Check this link

Yes indeed!  Magnetic products for sale.  "*SAVE 15% ON YOUR FUEL BILLS 

*They'll give me a money back guarantee that I can save 15% on my fuel 
bill.  So my 50 MPG TDI can now get 57.5 MPG.  Pity the poor VW 
engineers, stupid enough to spend millions refining the engine when they 
could get another 15% by adding magnets in the right place.  What on 
earth could be wrong with them?

> I remember scientific information related and will post soon, if I can find 
> it over the net.

I'd like to see some real scientific information.  Not web sites run by 
people selling magnets, real research.  Like Bob Allen said, a peer 
reviewed journal would be nice.  Where other scientists review claims 
and articles, and often times perform their own research to confirm 
results.  Have *you* applied this and seen *any* increase in milage 
while changing *nothing* else?

I don't mean to sound harsh, but the willingness of people to believe 
miracles of magnets seems overwhelming.  They cure cancer, defeat 
gravity, energize fuel, reduce pollution, and make rainy days turn sunny.

Not really, but there seem to be no end of people willing to pay good 
money believing such nonsense.

--- David

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