I am seeing a dichotomy here. I hear some say vote because it is important and then I hear evidence the vote is meaningless and rigged. I tend to think it is pointless at the polls. Voting with your money (or witholding it) is the only practical thing left. What is the point of being rich if you cant buy what you want? That is why the corporations do what they do. Social responsibility is an advertising job.
A new movie  -- "Thank you for Smoking" see it. It is tongue in cheek but OMG on the money.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rousseau: Social Contract

Full text online free.



>With all due respect, I think that dropping out is a mistake -
>especially at a time when the voice of public opinion has gained so
>much solidarity. Dropping out effectively says that you abstain from
>decisions which effect future generations and that someone will make
>themselves available to decide for you.
>(IMO) The Social Contract (Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712 - 1778) is a
>brilliant analysis of cause and effect in society. It helps define
>(redefine) rolls played in the development/destruction of
>civilization. I strongly encourage you to read it, if you haven't
>"Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in The Social Contract, propounds a doctrine
>which already had a long history in the struggle against the older
>view of the divine right of kings, namely, that government gets its
>authority over us by a willing consent on our part, not by the
>authorization of God. While Rousseau's famous opening line condemns
>the society of his day for its limiting of our natural spontaneity
>(indeed, its corruption of our natural goodness), he thinks that a
>good government can be justified in terms of the compromise to which
>each of us submits so as to gain "civil liberty and the
>proprietorship of all he possesses." Rousseau even thinks that we
>mature as human beings in such a social setting, where we are not
>simply driven by our appetites and desires but become
>self-governing, self-disciplined beings."
>Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>Huey "kingfish" Long had a colorful career as the governor of
>Louisiana. Things went a lot smoother for Huey after he installed an
>electrical voting machine. True story.
>The corruption in his administration is legendary. I dont know if he
>was actually worse than most - but he got a lot of exposure. Vote
>fraud and Enron book keeping are the norm I am afraid. Welcome to
>the brave new world.
>"A kinder gentler society"
>I think historically it degrades until there is a revolution or
>total anarchy. I am trying to drop out and be self sufficient - and
>enable others to achieve same. The less you need from the system the
>freer you are.

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