I hope we develop an efficient supercapacitor along the promising lines of Skelton technology and an efficient and inexpensive photovoltaic. No combustion or air pollution and no competing for food. Neodymium permanent magnet motors are adequate and if we improve that -great!
We might rethink roads while we are at it.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Michael

>Dear All
>As you all know, we will not be able to produce in europe enough
>rapeseed to reach 20% Biodiesel in the fossil diesel.

You will, if you reduce your fuel use to sustainable levels, which
you'll have to do in the end, no matter what sort of fuel you use. If
you're planning to import it from abroad it won't be sustainable
anyway. That's currently being discussed in another thread, or is it
several threads.

>We will need to find more source of oils like Rapeseed, Soy Been,
>palm Trees, used veg oil and Jatropha

You'll need to trim your sails on the one hand, and utilise your own
resources a lot better on the other.

>A lot of companies already produce biodiesel from Rapeseed and Soy
>Been, The process seams well known.
>Can someone tell me the what would be the difference for using the
>alternative oils source to produce Biodiesel.

There are major differences. You'll be doing the dumb thing of
wasting yet more fuel to transport biofuel that should be used as
close to where it's grown as possible, you'll probably be aiding and
abetting environmental destruction and impoverishment in other
people's countries, and you'll be playing into the hands of the
campaigners who're claiming that biofuel is no better than Big Oil.
On this basis they're right, it's not, much.

I'm aware that's not the answer you want. You can find those answers
in the list archives and at the Journey to Forever website.

In an earlier message you said: "I think we need to show to the whole
population that we have an alternative to Fossil fuel."

Do you have an alternative? It sounds to me like all you're proposing
is taking a different drug. Are you sure that's the direction to
"making a better world"?

Have you read this?

"How much fuel can we grow? How much land will it take?"

Best wishes


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