The real problem as I see it is it is terribly under reported and also misdiagnosed.
Has been here for years and for conspiracists the first reported cases I knew of were Colorado Springs. I understand 40% of the deer tested there were positive.

CJD 'poses threat to thousands'
7.30AM, Mon Mar 27 2006

Thousands more people may be at risk of the human form of Mad Cow
Disease than previously thought, researchers have warned.

Scientists in Edinburgh said a long incubation period for variant
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease vCJD, together with an ability to pass it on
through blood transfusions and surgical instruments, has the potential
to create a "significant public health issue".

They concluded that vCJD could lie in the body for many years without
showing any symptoms.

Due to long incubation times for the disease, a "significant level" of
underlying vCJD may already be present in the population, they said.

The experts also found that vCJD could be passed from human to human
through secondary transmission - such as blood transfusions and
contaminated surgical equipment - "with relative efficiency".

The study said people may not know they have the agent for vCJD and thus
there is a risk "of further disease transmission" through blood
transfusions or equipment.

The report said: "All individuals could be susceptible to secondary
transmission of vCJD through routes such as blood transfusion.

"A lengthy preclinical disease is predicted by these models, which may
represent a risk for further disease transmission and thus a significant
public health issue."

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