Zeke Yewdall wrote:

> What is the logic in a 25 ton cap?   Are all chemical factories the
> same size?  25 tons for  large factory might actually very low,
> compared to the total throughput of chemicals, but for a small factory
> (say a homebrew biodiesel setup), a 25 ton allowance might be more
> than it could possibly produce in a year if it used the dirtiest setup
> possible.

        Can't you see the logic in the Brave New World of the Clear Skies 
Initiative?  That factory that's spewing out tons of pollution can buy 
pollution credits from your homebrew biodiesel operation.  Zeke, you 
could become a biodiesel entrepreneur!  The big polluters would PAY 
you for the right to wreck everyone else's air, and you wouldn't 
actually need to work for your money, nor make an actual product.

        Ain't it great?

> And a ton of dioxin is not equal to a ton of NOx.  How can you
> regulate it just by weight, even if all chemical plants were the same
> size?

        Don't confuse the NeoCons with facts.  It's all about faith based 
initiatives, remember?

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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