Thanks Joe!
You answered questions that I didn't even know enough to ask. Your post is VERY informative and encouraging.

Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well try more like 30 years ago, another good ol Canadian boy Doug Lockhart (VE7ADU) began transmitting digital 'packetized' data and things progressed from there.  The evolution of HTTP and TCP/IP can be traced back to amateur radio digital packet protocols.  You can find some history on the web by googling packet radio.  We had a discussion about this before.  I believe it is impossible to stop us hackers from creating our own wide area networks independant of the big players if push comes to shove.....


Michael Redler wrote:

About ten+ years ago, I read an article about a state college in New York which was one of the first to experiment with wireless digital communications over HAM frequencies. I'm sorry that I don't have the source readily available (maybe someone can jump in here).

This affirms the idea that when there is both a will and a means, corporations cannot limit or exclude something of great importance to the public.

Articles like this should be distributed widely since most violations to all things democratic are done slowly, methodically and under our noses while the public is kept ill-informed.
Anyone thinking of informing the public on a large scale, will be met with formidable resistance from elements of the American propaganda machine such as FOX.
Looking at the bigger picture, I'm becoming optimistic as various democratic movements gain strength and the far right broadens there list of anti-Americans to include Pulitzer Prize winners. It won't be long before they hate everybody and look even more ridiculous in the process.


Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A Democratic Internet

Art Brodsky

April 25, 2006

Art Brodsky is communications director for Public Knowledge , a
public interest group working at the intersection of information and
technology policy.

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