A note:

At first OK City was blamed on "Arab Terrorists" - we as a nation were 
perfectly ready to accept this without evidence.  Pretty scary.

Extremism comes in all stripes.  Calling for the assassination of 
Venezuela's president?

I'm no longer sure what to believe with regards the the WTC strike.  It 
does seem to be unraveling.

Keith Addison wrote:

>Apart from scale and spectacular means, how were 9/11 and Timothy 
>McVeigh in Oklahoma so different as to evoke such a different 
>response? They weren't so different, but the response certainly was.
>Not only McVeigh. Every now and then someone says what about the 
>anthrax letters. And what about this? Arguing with a WMD denialist 
>two years ago:
>>... the previous such occasion was in Oklahoma, no? The response to 
>>that was rather different, but perhaps not less ineffective. I think 
>>this is not very unusual:
>>They seemed normal but plotted to kill thousands
>>"... their capture has revealed a gaping hole in America's war on 
>>terror: the home front." ...
>>CBS 11: CBS 11 Investigates Poison Gas Plot
>>Professionals in the US are concerned and puzzled by how little 
>>attention is paid to "the home front". Why's that, do you think? No 
>>oil in Texas?
>"In the small town of Noonday, Texas, F.B.I. agents discovered a 
>weapons cache containing fully automatic machine guns, 
>remote-controlled explosive devices disguised as briefcases, 60 pipe 
>bombs and a chemical weapon --- a cyanide bomb --- big enough to kill 
>everyone in a 30,000-square-foot building."
>The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Noonday in the Shade
>It hardly even made the press.
>United Press International: Outside View: Who is William Krar?
>"WASHINGTON, March 14 (UPI) -- Since his appointment as attorney 
>general, John Ashcroft's Washington office has issued 2,295 news 
>releases. Not one of them has mentioned the name William Joseph Krar."
>"Jose Padilla, the accused "dirty bomber," didn't have any 
>bomb-making material or even a plausible way to acquire such 
>material, yet Mr. Ashcroft put him on front pages around the world. 
>Mr. Krar was caught with an actual chemical bomb, yet Mr. Ashcroft 
>acted as if nothing had happened." (Krugman, NYT, above.)
>If there were indeed 9/11 motives where people are seeing them, then 
>what was "useful" about 9/11 that wasn't useful about William Krar et 
>Maybe that is the problem, that there's not much oil left in Texas these days.
>The American Taliban
>January 22, 2004
>In These Times |
>Homegrown Terrorists
>CNN.com - Man with huge weapons cache sentenced to 11 years - May 4, 2004
>>Hi Clint,
>>   So you think that 9/11 is as the official government story says it is? I
>>am not
>>quite sure because your statements seem to collide with each other.
>>   WRT myself, I have no doubt that 9/11 was an inside job. There exists an
>>overwhelming number of contradictions between the evidence and the gov's
>>story line.
>>Peace, D. Mindock
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Clint Allison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:45 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Another view of the Pentagon Strike
>>>To Paraphrase Mr. Barnum,  "There's a conspiratorist born ever minute".
>>>The Big Bad Government can't even successfully conceal an NSA program to
>>>monitor phone numbers, how can anyone think they could keep something on
>>>that scale quiet.  Get a life!!!
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
>>>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:22 AM
>>>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Another view of the Pentagon Strike
>>>E. C. wrote:
>>>>Hey, Mike;
>>>>How many folks are in the FBI's witness protection program??
>>>Beats me.  But I do think it would be a challenge to make all those
>>>people just disappear - some of them had families according to the
>>>>& if the FBI was able to confiscate ALL video records within a few
>>>>minutes, how long to divert a flight & secure the passengers?
>>>>Especially if u know ahead what's coming?  There were no major parts of
>>>>Flight 93 found, either, according to emerg.
>>>I haven't heard that but I can't explain it.  It does seem odd.  After
>>>that plane went down in the Atlantic a few years ago they found quite a
>>>bit of it.
>>>>Response workers first on the scene -- & 3 WTC towers came down in what
>>>>looked a lot like controlled demolition, even tho 1 plane struck each
>>>>of 2 towers, which were built to withstand impact of precisely this
>>>>type ......
>>>Actually the towers were built to sustain the impact of smaller planes -
>>>which were the norm when they were built.  There was an interview with
>>>the architect -  I believe in The New Yorker (note: I'm not swearing as
>>>to the source, so don't go all biofuels list on me ;-)  The towers did
>>>withstand the strike only to collapse later.
>>>>  Meanwhile, the shrub & his cabal desperately needed a "Pearl Harbor"
>>>>to shore up their admin. in public minds & get on with their PNAC plan
>>>>(which they have followed precisely ever since, including Iran [I
>>>>didn't mis-spell].
>>>Listen:  You're not going to get any defense of the current admin. from
>>>me.  If they're capable of ginning up a false war in Iraq nothing would
>>>surprise me.
>>>>  Wild-eyed radical conspiracy theories?  Maybe ...
>>>>but, as in the JFK case, "follow the money".
>>>>Haliburton, the avian bird-flu hoax, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Ag --
>>>>pick your own starting point.
>>>You had me at Halliburton...
>>>>E. Allen
>>>>--- Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>But then what happened to the actual plane and the passengers?  How
>>>>>did they all just disappear?
>>>>>D. Mindock wrote:
>>>>>>Have any of you watched the newly released
>>>>>government video,
>>>>>>supposedly showing a Boeing 747 crashing into the
>>>>>Pentagon? Did any of
>>>>>>you think you saw a 747? Here's another piece on
>>>>>the Pentagon Strike
>>>>>>worth watching
>>>>>>may truth and light prevail...jeannie
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