Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

> What has me confused is just exactly who are these 29% and where are 
> they hiding?

    I think most of them are members of my family . . .

> You are right about no one admitting to voting for him in the last 
> election and no one I've ever come across thinks he's anything but 
> some bum.

    There's an awful lot of support for him among people I know.  They 
think he's a "good" man.  While the rest of us scratch our heads and 
wonder how REAL conservatives can hold his policies in anything other 
than contempt, the propaganda machine grinds on and the legacy of Josef 
Goebbels manufactures artificial consensus through flag waving and 
subliminal messages that pervade our media.

    Keith pointed this out in another thread.  As an example, I was 
listening to NPR this morning and heard a feature involving an 
evangelical minister who has been caught up in the Jack Abramoff 
scandal.  Chris Geeslin, the minister in question, believed one of his 
parishoners was a godly man because he was "in the Bible" and "prayed 
every day".  This associate of Jack Abramoff set up a foundation that 
was intended to promote family values and "return America to God as the 
Founders intended", but instead, funneled foreign money to Tom Delay.  
(Big surprise!)

    Return America to God as the Founders intended? 

    I've a personal copy of the Constitution and NOWHERE in that 
document does it say anything about America being aligned with God.  But 
if we hear that lie enough, we begin to believe it.  The deception is 
subtle and subliminal, but pervasive.

    I've read somewhere else that "a man cannot serve two masters".  
People like Chris Geeslin are profoundly mislead when they begin 
believing that the US can function as an agent of God, but it's among 
people like him that the support for Mr. Bush persists.  (I attend 
church with a LOT of people whose attitudes are remarkably similar.)

    Meanwhile, GM is offering a program for a 20 cent per liter discount 
on gasoline for all Canadian customers who buy a new GM truck or car.  
(The truck is prominently featured in the ad.)  We're buying a hybrid 
electric Camry to replace the thrice-damned GM product that dishonors 
our driveway.  The spin, counterspin and programming that goes on in our 
media really sets us up for corporate control.  We get into debt through 
manufactured dissatisfaction and live a lifestyle determined by utter 
dependency on automobiles, and all the while, our president's corporate 
friends are heaping on the profits.

    People complain to me, but lately I've been telling them to shut 
up.  I've been warning everyone around me for YEARS that we were heading 
down the path toward BIG trouble.  Now it's here and I'm in no mood to 
listen to their bickering.  What REALLY irritates me right now, is that 
many of those who are lamenting the loudest are the same group that put 
Mr. Bush and his cabal in power.  If you really want to know who those 
29% are, listen to the ones complaining about high gas prices and 
blaming their problems on the Arabs.  I'd lay odds that among that group 
you will find the president's most ardent supporters.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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