>Todd, Keith, Mike et al & List;
>Kudos still to Keith for even-handed reasonableness.

Thankyou Allen. :-)

>I'm also not a journalist, just a reader; still, i
>read the whole thing & the links (retired, i have lots
>of time -- & like to get the whole flavor of what i
>It was apparent that this was an angry & outraged
>piece -- & i was sure by the end that the "frail lady"
>was probably not "pure as the driven snow" in the
>encounter, despite her protestations.  But still --
>she (& her fledgling organization) has citizen's
>rights, & some of them were obviously violated, by
>organized power holding all the cards & stacking the
>deck.  At the very least, she (& the WCW she's part
>of) are due an apology & some redress -- i wonder if
>they'll get it?

I doubt it, but along with the event itself maybe it'll help open a 
few more eyes to some of the things that are going on in the land 
that terrorists allegedly hate because of its freedoms. (That's not a 
sneer, it's a lament.)

>This incident reminded me of one similar, albeit on a
>much larger scale, also in Ohio "back in the day" --
>but 4 student activists DIED at Kent State!

Thankyou for that too, a point I missed. So much for my geography, I 
didn't realise Kent State is in Ohio. :-(

I was looking at the Kent State news photos the other day:

And at this too:

Not to bring it down, but it was the basic inspiration for the 
sunflowers-in-the-tank image on our biofuels pages, much ripped-off 
and emulated since then - it's not easy to illustrate biofuels!

About the silliest copy I saw was this one, by Ed Beggs at 
PlantDrive/Neoteric, before they replaced it with an Elsbett 
lookalike logo:


Didn't think I'd ever get a laugh out of Kent State.

>Supposedly, re-training for Nat'l Guard & police came
>of that -- but a generation has grown old & the new
>one may not have gotten that benefit.  Time to

If not for that one then surely for other pressing reasons.

If you say "Kent State" in the US now, does it still carry that 
connotation? That's all it means to me and I'm sure a great many 
others, but does it still mean anything in the US, or is it just the 
name of a college now? If you search for "Kent State" at Google the 
1970 shootings come up at #3. That's encouraging.

>E. Allen C.
>P.S.  Keith, i owe you & the List an apology for muddy
>writing (about a month ago) -- which you very aptly
>corrected:  i didn't mean "biofuel is biofuel is
>biofuel", but, on re-reading (after getting over the
>stinging rebuke) that was how it came across -- I'm
>sorry.  What i meant was more like "fuel is fuel is
>fuel", & "we need to learn how to cure our gluttony
>for fuel, for the sake of this, our only planet".


I'm sorry it stung, it wasn't intended to, just to redirect. If we'd 
met in a cafe instead of a workshop I wouldn't have done it that way. 
Not to say it can't be a cafe too. You're welcome to give me a 
thumping in return for thinking Kent State is in America is America 
is America. :-)

Thankyou, Allen, for rescuing the subject and putting it back on the 
rails, police brutality on Ohio.

It won't be this current case of course, though hopefully it'll add 
to the accumulation that's building, but the opposition needs a 
powerful mobilising and unifying symbol now like Kent State was then. 
Without the bodies, more than enough bodies already. I don't mean the 
opposition "party", the opposition that Kent State helped to mobilise 
wasn't a "party".

"It's embarrassing, you try to overthrow the government
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>--- Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You have to answer the questions who, what, where,
> > when, why and how
> > > in the first 25 words. But you seem to expect to
> > find the whole
> > > newspaper encapsulated in the front-page lead
> > headline.
> >
> > And there you have it Keith.


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