I was specifically addressing pollution, not ecological disaster, 
althoug arguably Katrina is similar to Three Gorges Dam.
Both were (largely) avoidable, with Katrina especially. 1.  I think 
there is a good argument to be made that global warming contributed to
the severity.  And that to FEMA, Army Corps failures and you've got a 
catastophe.  But I think 3 Gorges was completely preventable, and I 
think Lousiana
would have still been hit a major storm.  I haven't heard anything that 
Big Oil somehow planned to let a major storm flatten NO.  I think that 
was incompetence, racism and classism.

Well, Kenny Boy and Skilling got sent away, even a presidential nickname 
couldn't save them.
It's flawed, I don't deny that, but it often works.  It's legal to start 
a business in the US.  It's not in other countries.  Try Guinea - Conakry.
Heck try France, if your business fails, and many startups do, then you 
have an immediate law for fraud.  It's assumed you are a crook if your 
business fails.  How many people want to take that on?  Not a good way 
to keep the clever young people at home.  They all go to Britain.

Sciavo is over.  They're trying again with gay marriage.  I'm getting 
bored.  I'm going to email my Republican Senators and ask why they are 
allowing the federal goverment to take away power from our fair and 
sovereign state - which always regulated marriage.  Why is it now a 
Federal issue?

E. C. wrote:

>Hey Mike;
>What Katrina did to New Orleans wasn't an ecological
>disaster?  The Corps. saw that coming 30 years ago,
>but it suited the suits in Big Oil corp. suites to let
>it happen, for the good of the "dynamic economy" -- as
>we're finally beginning to realise, there's more to
>dynamism than "bottom lines".
>As for our once-vaunted legal system, who besides
>hapless grunts has paid the price for Abu Graibe, &
>what about the latest Supreme Court ruling & its
>effect on journalists -- predictable since the
>addition of Roberts & Alito ?? -- & the challenge to
>Roe v. Wade is wending its way their way.  Ahhh, but
>for the spin of it, we can take a Terry Schiavo case
>all the way (not to mention a national election!)
>Allen  (E. Allen C.)
>--- Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I didn't say that.  Nor would I.  I said the US has
>>a dynamic economy.
>>Our infrastructure is beginning to fall apart; the
>>highway system is 
>>crumbling; the electrical grid is shaky; we have no
>>energy policy...the 
>>list goes on.  But it it better than the systems in
>>most of the world, 
>>except Western Europe.
>>There is a functioning legal system, something I
>>think you'd be 
>>hard-pressed to claim about China and to some degree
>>Our corruption is better managed and on a grander
>>scale - Halliburton.  
>>But you don't have to pay a bribe to get driver's
>>license or cross a 
>>bridge or open a business.  Would you rather own
>>stock in Exxon or 
>>Cnooc?  Well, figuratively, I wouldn't own oil
>>stocks personally, but 
>>one has reasonably open books, and putatively
>>complies with 
>>Sarbanes-Oxley, and one can be manipulated at the
>>will of the government.
>>Despite the best efforts of the current
>>administration, our pollution 
>>levels are nothing like that of China or India, and
>>the days of major 
>>ecological disasters like the Three Gorges Dam are
>>Transparency has suffered mightily under Bush, but
>>International still rates the US well above China
>>and India.
>>Hakan Falk wrote:
>>>At 04:16 31/05/2006, you wrote:
>>>>Also, say what you want about the US but it is
>>still by far the most
>>>>dynamic economy in the world.  China and India
>>still have significant
>>>>infrastructure, corruption, pollution and
>>transparency issues to overcome.
>>>And US have none of those problems? LOL
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