If you improve the cold flow point to where it can be pumped out of the tank at least, you can solve the cold filter plug point by using a heated filter (if you can get the engine warmed up to the point of having some heat to heat the filter at least).  But if the whole tank turns into wax, you are sort of stuck....

On 6/28/06, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello All,
>     I know it's a bit early for some of us to be thinking winter,
>but it occurs to me that the southern hemisphere is in the thick of
>     I use BD100 in my car and go to BD70 in the winter. The 30%
>petro diesel is winterized and prevents my fuel from gelling.
>     I'd like to go BD100 year round. Is anyone familiar w.
>Technol's BD100 for biodiesel?
><http://www.technol.com >www.technol.com   It is supposed to lower
>gel point by up to 30F when used in a 1 : 750 ratio.
>                                  Tom

Hello Tom

I don't know Technol. Pour-point depressants for petro-diesel don't
work very well with biodiesel. The main chemical used for biodiesel
is usually toluene, but Technol uses "aromatic naptha". No idea, try
it and see I guess.



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