from link - snip
DF Because the electric grid is in place.... This is not like fusion power or even developing an electric car. I think there's a gentleman who's developed a [plug-in] kit ... so Detroit can't say they don't know how to do it.
The grid is maxed out in many cases. Can anyone say brownout or blackout?
An electric car powered by the cogen that heats the house and hot water - maybe
But existing grid - sorry,no
Even if you string more wire and add plants they will be coal which pollutes more than oil and you have the losses at each conversion step and distribution as well.
I am for an electric car but the power supply will probably have to be solar.
Solar thermal to be more exact.

AltEnergyNetwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Witness for the prosecution
Energy guru S. David Freeman on who killed the electric car



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