Well done!
What would happen if this story were broadcast on CNN? Not only would a large U.S. demographic be in a state of shock and confusion but, if eventually believed, could open Pandora's box and cause that same demographic to start asking some dangerous questions. 
Revisionist history and historians are being attacked (remember Ward Churchill?) and the reasons are explained in Alexander Cockburn's article. It doesn't matter what's being said or where and when it occurred, as long as it threatens the squeaky clean image of the U.S., it's government agenda or those who want you to listen to THEM and their version of history. Equally important is how they value non-information. It's easier not to report something than to fabricate a story designed to whitewash it. 
Our culture is so steeped in it's own propaganda that if (all the) the truth were told, it would not only reveal the U.S. government's hand in the proverbial cookie jar, it would take "conventional wisdom" in our culture and stand it on it's head. People are not prepared for that. Besides, who's going to pay to replace all those high school history books?
- Redler

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

July 21, 2006

A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago

Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know


As the tv networks give unlimited airtime to Israel's apologists,
the message rolls out that no nation, least of all Israel, can permit
bombardment or armed incursion across its borders without

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