>Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 00:30:17 EDT
>FDA Scientists Pressured to Exclude, Alter Findings; Scientists Fear 
>Retaliation for Voicing Safety Concerns
>Public Health and Safety Will Suffer without Leadership from FDA and Congress
>UCS, July 20, 2006
>WASHINGTON, DC - The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) today 
>released survey results that demonstrate pervasive and dangerous 
>political influence of science at the Food and Drug Administration 
>(FDA). Of the 997 FDA scientists who responded to the survey, nearly 
>one-fifth (18.4 percent) said that they "have been asked, for 
>non-scientific reasons, to inappropriately exclude or alter 
>technical information or their conclusions in a FDA scientific 
>document." This is the third survey UCS has conducted to examine 
>inappropriate interference with science at federal agencies.   
>"Science must be the driving force for decisions made at the FDA. 
>These disturbing survey results make it clear that inappropriate 
>interference is putting people in harm's way," said Dr. Francesca 
>Grifo, Senior Scientist and Director of UCS's Scientific Integrity 
>Program. "FDA leaders should act now to improve transparency and 
>accountability and renew respect for independent science at the 
>The UCS survey, which was co-sponsored by Public Employees for 
>Environmental Responsibility, was sent to 5,918 FDA scientists. 
>Forty percent of respondents fear retaliation for voicing safety 
>concerns in public. This fear, scientists say, combines with other 
>pressures to compromise the agency's ability to protect public 
>health and safety. More than a third of the respondents did not feel 
>they could express safety concerns even inside the agency.
>"This is more than just a bureaucratic problem within the agency," 
>said Kim Witczak, WoodyMatters.com, who lost her husband due to side 
>effects of a dangerous anti-depressant.
>"It has real human impacts which can be devastating. My husband paid 
>the ultimate price for FDA's lack of accountability."
>The survey also revealed other compelling points of concern:
>61 percent of the respondents knew of cases where "Department of 
>Health and Human Services or FDA political appointees have 
>inappropriately injected themselves into FDA determinations or 
>Only 47 percent think the "FDA routinely provides complete and 
>accurate information to the public."
>81 percent agreed that the "public would be better served if the 
>independence and authority of FDA post-market safety systems were 
>70 percent disagree with the statement that FDA has sufficient 
>resources to perform effectively its mission of "protecting public 
>health’Ķand helping to get accurate science-based information they 
>need to use medicines and foods to improve their health."
>"The FDA regulates products vital to the well-being of all 
>Americans, including food, drugs, vaccines, and medical devices," 
>said Dr. Grifo. "To fully protect public health and safety, the FDA 
>must have the best available independent scientific data."
>To address the concerns raised by FDA scientists, UCS recommends:
>’Äì  Accountability: FDA leadership must face consequences if they 
>side with commercial or political interests and not with the 
>American people.
>’Äì  Transparency: Scientific research and reviews should be open so 
>any undue manipulation is immediately apparent.
>’Äì  Protection: Safeguards must be put in place for all government 
>scientists who speak out.
>"What we see at the FDA, while dramatic and frightening, is all too 
>common at many federal agencies," said Dr. Grifo. "All federal 
>scientists need protections so they can speak out when their science 
>is manipulated, and all federal agencies need fully functioning 
>independent advisory committees. FDA leadership must understand and 
>support independent science and it is up to Congress to hold them 
>Scientists at FDA tell of outside pressures
>By Justin Blum
>Bloomberg News, Fri, Jul. 21
>Scientists at the Food and Drug Administration say they feel 
>pressure to alter their work for nonscientific reasons and to 
>provide misleading information, according to a survey released 
>The FDA employees raised the concerns in an anonymous written survey 
>conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists. The Cambridge, 
>Mass.-based nonprofit group seeks to draw attention to what it sees 
>as misuse of science and technology.
>"There are big problems at the FDA, particularly regarding 
>independent science," Francesca Grifo, director of the group's 
>Scientific Integrity Program, said in a telephone interview.
>The survey results echo public complaints from FDA scientists who 
>say their findings were dismissed on drugs including Merck & Co.'s 
>Vioxx painkiller and Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s morning-after 
>contraceptive Plan B.
>Merck pulled Vioxx from the market after a study linked the drug to 
>a doubling of heart risks, and the FDA's former head of women's 
>health resigned over an indefinite delay in a decision on making 
>Plan B available without a prescription.
>The Union of Concerned Scientists, which focuses on issues including 
>the environment and the risks of genetically engineered crops, 
>mailed surveys with 37 questions and an essay section to 5,918 FDA 
>workers the group identified as scientists. Of those, 997 submitted 
>responses, the organization said.
>Agency spokeswoman Julie Zawisza said the survey was "highly 
>unscientific, with a number of leading questions and innuendo."
>"FDA would expect more rigor to support such far-reaching 
>allegations and conclusions," Zawisza said.
>Of the respondents, 15 percent said they had been asked, for 
>nonscientific reasons, "to inappropriately exclude or alter 
>technical information or my conclusions in a FDA scientific 
>document." The question did not specify who had asked.
>In another question, 17 percent of respondents said they had been 
>asked by FDA officials to "provide incomplete, inaccurate or 
>misleading information to the public, regulated industry, media, or 
>elected/senior government officials."
>A statement that "FDA leadership is as committed to product safety 
>as it is to bringing products to the market" prompted 37 percent to 
>say they disagreed.
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