On Sat, Sep 09, 2006 at 02:18:17PM -0700, Ken Provost wrote:
> On Sep 9, 2006, at 11:12 AM, Rafal Szczesniak wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Could you tell me how can I tell the difference between emulsion
> > caused by unfinished process (glycerides left in the product) and
> > caused by soap formation (too much lye) ?
> I suppose you could use gentle acidification followed by assaying
> the resulting FFA (soap will produce FFA, mono- and diglycerides
> won't). Sounds complicated. In general, soap formation is a result
> of too much water in the reaction, not too much lye. The concentra-
> tions of NaOH you're working with (even when somewhat excess-
> ive) are not high enough to saponify the oil itself -- in the absence
> of water, only the FFA originally present will form soap.

Yes, I know that. I'm talking about the result I get from the washing
test. I know the soap formation is only possible in presence of water
dissolving the lye. That's probably why aggresive mixing in the test
could produce the soap in my case. I'm trying to find out whether
emulsion I get comes from soap or unfinshed reaction. The product seems
to have pH > 7 (tested with the litmus paper).


 Rafal Szczesniak      **mir[at]diament.iit.pwr.wroc.pl
 Samba Team member     mi***[at]samba.org
 *BSD, GNU/Linux and Samba          http://www.samba.org

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